Saturday, January 16, 2010

Friday Night Sew-In

I had fun! If you played along, I hope you enjoyed yourself too! There was something about planning for it ahead of time that made the Sew-In feel special.

What did you work on? Now I can show you what I've been preparing for. I decided I wanted to make a Valentine-ish version of the Cindy Lou Who Schnibbles pattern. I had a half yard of some border fabric that I used in picking fabrics for the pieced center. I also ordered a little more of that border fabric on line but it hasn't arrived yet. No matter--I'm not ready for it tonight anyway.

First things first, though. Yep, the chicken soup was yummy and I'll have to tell you how I make it--but not in this post because it will be too long already! And yep, Hubby made his famous honey wheat rolls.

Once my inner self was well fortified with chicken soup, I sat down to concentrate on the pattern and to make sure some of my favorite quilting "tools" were within reach.

You might recall that I couldn't stand the wait last night and started making 9-patch blocks ahead of time, so it didn't take me too many hours to get to this point--which is nearly all of the center part of the pattern.

Now, I had to decide--did I want to make it larger? I thought I'd have a little snack and ponder the quilt top so far--and then I cut more fabric.

The quilt top grew and grew throughout the night. Quite a rigorous task that required regular breaks for food and drink to ensure energy levels did not flag.

By a bit after midnight, most of the center of the quilt was complete.

Now the center blocks are all sewn together, and only the outside row is not yet sewn. After I sew these tomorrow, I'll add half blocks to finish the design of the points on the pink blocks and the blue blocks. Then I'll add the borders--and wouldn't it be nice if the postal person brought that yard of border fabric tomorrow? I do owe her a debt of gratitude, though, for bringing a package of thread today--just when I needed it!

Time for bed. I want to get a good night's sleep before my Saturday Sew-In!


  1. Wow, very productive and organized with supper and chocolate! I agree with you that the preparation before hand was fun. I'm glad you had a good time I did too. I'm from Australia so it was over and posted before you here in the States - Hugs Nat

  2. What a productive evening. The quilt center is lovely. How large are you making it?

  3. Kim, your quilt is beautiful! You have such a wonderful gift for picking out fabrics. They all work so well together.

    Your food pics are also mouth-watering! :-)

  4. What a brilliant idea! Do-it-yourself retreat! I MUST do this myself!

  5. Wow Kim, I am very impressed with your fabric selection. It looks STUNNING! It was great sewing with you last night, although I think you got more accomplished then I did ;-)

  6. I love the pokadots Kim!!


  7. Now that's what I call a "SEW-IN" - WOW - you got alot accomplished. Kudos to you Kim.

    I have to say this Cindy Lou Who pattern looks TOTALLY different than the pattern. Wow - I'm still amazed at how different fabrics can make a pattern appear totally different.

    Great, great, great job!!

  8. I enjoyed the sew in for sure. The anticipation, the ideas swirling in my head. I didn't get as much done as you but I do really like the look, and that you made it bigger. How much larger did you go?

  9. Love your quilt! You did get lots done and I love the way you kept your strength up by feeding your body properly!! *smile*

  10. I kind of got a late start. We had major water issues yesterday that could have gone really bad had there not been any warning (a puddle of water in the family.

    It's amazing how different fabric choices make the quilt look so different from the pattern. I love it!

  11. I love your Cindy Lou Who, it's awesome. I just really like the black with dots background, makes the stars pop out.

  12. Your a riot...I would have sworn you were in a room full of woman sewing their hearts out. You get the prize for best food
    , can I be at your table next time? Honestly I would let you host my vertual retreat anytime AND Miss Cindy Lou Who is very spunky indeed, fun!!!

  13. You are too cute!!! LOL! I loved your quilting tools. Even the mug that the hot chocolate is in is darling.
    I love your Cindy Lou quilt. I think it is neat that you are making it bigger. You have inspired me to get mine started.

  14. Pretty quilt!!! And Love your yummy pix as well. Wasn't it fun to know that there were lots of us stichin' together on Friday night?

  15. the Whos in Whoville are tired this morning ... i'm gonna hafta plan better next time

    i need some chocolate ... and some caffeine

  16. Oh my goodness this is just too cute! I love the polka dots and the bright colors...fantastic job!

  17. You are awesome! Well done!!!
    Now, on another matter - the mug!

  18. What a great post-certainly felt like we were there with you. The quilt is great-very productive evening. Hope the postie delivered.

  19. I love polka dots...and I love that pattern! May have to get that one. Look forward to the chicken soup recipe...have been looking for one lately.

  20. Hey you did great in the Friday night sew in...
    Cath Ü

  21. Love your quilt and the colors! Would also love to have your DH's recipe for the wheat rolls. They look yummy.

  22. I love the quilt and all of the good food. I had a galaxy bar,but your stuff looked yummy!
    Great job!

  23. i want to come sew with you next time. you have your own party goin' on! that quilt is really cute! do you have extra room in your sweatshop? :)


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