Sunday, August 2, 2009

Where Does the Time Go?

I've been working on the hexagon quilt today, and I've finally finished the quilt top--I think. Well, it's done UNLESS I think of something else I'd like to do, but I really can't imagine what.

Do you lose track of time when you're quilting? I've just realized it's 3:15 a.m., and I had no idea it was that late! Time to get to bed--there are more projects to tackle tomorrow!


  1. It's beautiful!!! Yes, I do lose track of time when I'm quilting. It's sort of how I lose track while I'm blogging. :)

  2. I absolutely love it! The border is the perfect frame. Are you making a pattern for this?

  3. That turned out beautiful! Love the border treatment. Do you have any idea how you are going to quilt it?
    Thanks for sharing!

    Sandy A in St. Louis

  4. Kim, I love your finished quilt top-just lovely! So bright, fresh and pretty!
    Take care and get some sleep!!!

  5. Kim - it is fabulous! I love it. I must dig my hexagon quilt out and get it finished.

  6. that is one bright and happy quilt top!

    to quote anonymous, "time becomes meaningless in the face of creativity."

  7. What a great hexagon quilt and I love the borders and the colors. I agree with you that you don't have to do one more thing but have it quilted. I often get carried away quilting and i forget to eat breakfast or lunch and if I'm up late I lose track of time.

  8. Who doesn't lose track when you are having fun and doing what you love!!! Your quilt is wonderful!!!

  9. Beautiful! Yes, time goes by so fast, especially when your on the computer.

  10. Ah, beauty ay.

    I second what Dianne said about time and creativity - I sure would like to meet the person who thought that up...;0)

    See what a night out with the girls will do for you. Took a little break and BAM! look out sweat shop here comes Kim.

    Well done - great creative talent!!!


  11. I want a black kitty,
    That quilt is georhous Kim. LKove the way you did the border. Well done and as Gran says a night out with the Ladies away from that DH really helpsm the juices. But 3AM? That's the time I got up and the lights went out.

  12. HI KIm,
    Congratulations on winning the charm pack and gift bag from Little Bits and Pieces ( I think that is the correct name of Kim's blog) I knew you are a winner VBG.

    I do love this quilt pattern of the hexagons quilt- I was wondering if you might be going to put the instruction parts into a tutorial? (I still haven't figured out how to print separate pages of a blog- VBS)
    I thought I had found a copy of the pattern from the public library but they don't keep their magazines from year to year( they do have a subscription of it at that branch of the library....:O)
    Anyway_ I do love what you have done with this quilt- Thanks for sharing...

  13. I love it Kim. It turned out so cute! I hope to met it in person soon!!


    PS-Are there any whoppers left?

  14. It's fabulous! I love the border. Losing track of time is easy when you get involved in doing something you love doing.

  15. This is a great quilt! Did you use a pattern.....I love scrappy and would like to try it. Thanks for sharing so much. I come to your blog daily for a chuckle!

  16. This turned out so gorgeous and fun. I really like the way that you used strips and cutting to make something that looks soooo complicated a little easier to make.

  17. I really really REALLY love this quilt! Thanks for sharing it with us!! Tutorial?? = )

  18. Kim this quilt is spectacular!

  19. Hi Kim,
    I hate to bother you BUT I keep coming back to this quilt! It is calling my you hear it? Did you use a pattern and if the answer is YES, would you please send me the name of it so that I can order it....Thanks so much!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!