Monday, August 3, 2009

Okay, Let's DO IT!

You bloggers out there never fail to inspire me! Carol (of Carol's Crafty Creations) has posted a couple times recently about using what she has in her stash and not buying more for right now. She also recently had a scrap giveaway--what a great idea! So I looked around the Sweat Shop, and I got to thinking.

What IS this place?

How did it GET this way?

WHAT can be done?

That quilt rack in the photo above? Okay, I KNOW you can't actually SEE the quilt rack very well, but trust me--it's there under all that stuff. Well, that's pretty much where I stack things that are in progress. Quite a lot of things and not much progress, huh?!

So the FIRST thing I decided is to devote as much of August as I can to finishing things up. I'll keep a list in my sidebar of "finished" projects. Would you like to join me in getting things finished this month? I'll also keep a blog list in my sidebar of those of you who are determined to get a few of those UFOs finished during August.

And here's what I'm defining "finished" as: For smaller projects (i.e., table runners, bags, pillows, etc.), "finished" means all the way completed--done and ready to enjoy. For larger projects such as large wall hangings and quilts, "finished" may just mean the top is done, although you may not have gotten it quilted yet. Or, if you already have a top that's done, "finished" would be getting it quilted and bound. Make sense?

So, I'll count my hexagon quilt top as "finished" for this purpose. Now I'll roll it up and put it in my basket for quilting later.

I don't want to make this post too long, so I'll tell you in another post what else I have that I'd like to "finish" in August. I'll also tell you about a little contest idea I have for those of you who join in--a little incentive, because we ALL need incentive, right?! So stay tuned!

The SECOND part of what I want to do this month is get rid of some things I won't use or have already used. What do I mean by that?

Each Sunday, I'll gather together some things I'd like to move OUT of the Sweat Shop and give you an opportunity to win/claim them for yourself. This week, I've cleaned out my patterns and I have four giveaways. Here they are:

I've tried to group these according to interest/ability to some extent. For instance, Giveaway 1 and Giveaway 3 would be great for those of you who are interested in applique. If any of these pattern lots look like something you'd like, leave a comment. And while I have no objection if you want more than one pattern lot, you'll have to leave a separate comment for each giveaway you want because I'll move your comments from my e-mailbox into a folder for each giveaway.

I will likely do the same type of thing later this month with books and scraps, so check back. I'll leave the pattern giveaway open until Tuesday night when I'll pick winners and announce them on Wednesday's blog post. Please note--YOU MUST COME BACK TO MY BLOG TO SEE IF YOU'VE WON and then email me your mailing address to claim your patterns if you're a winner. If I do not hear from you by Friday, I'll pick a second place winner, okay? [CONTEST CLOSED--WINNERS HAVE BEEN ANNOUNCED ON WEDNESDAY'S BLOG POST.]

Now, if you want to do the same thing--clean out your unused and unwanted quilting things via giveaways--let me know and I'll mention your blog on mine. No sense holding onto stuff we aren't using when there may be other quilters out there who would just love to have them, especially with the economy the way it is.

I hope by the end of the month to have a leaner, meaner Sweat Shop, and what isn't yet finished, can come with me to quilt camp in September. After that, I know I'm going to start getting busy with holiday crafting and quilting, so I want to get ready NOW! How about you?


  1. Hi Kim! Awesomee idea, and very generous too! I'm trying to finish up some stuff before holiday crafting too. I love applique, so here's my comment for #1..thank you!

  2. ...and here's my comment for giveaway #3! Thank you again Kim!

  3. Hi Kim,
    I don't need anything, so I'll let someone else enjoy your goodies, but I just wanted to say....YOU HAVE A JUKI! I have two of them. One for frame quilting, and one for free motion quilting (and as a backup if Juki #1 fails). Do you just quilt with yours, or do you do your piecing with yours?
    be blessed,

  4. Awesome idea, Kim! I would love to participate.

  5. I have been making a diligent effort to finish up several of my old projects and to pass on those things I no longer want or need. I have 4 or 5 quilt patterns and some counted cross stitch patterns that are destined for our local women's shelter.

    I'd love to win Giveaway #2.

    Donna D., Hemet, CA

  6. I would be happy to win your Giveaway #2 patterns; they are definitely my kind of thing.

    I've been giving away lately, too -- started with patterns and will move to books and fabric before long.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. HI Kim,
    What a wonderful idea - I sure need someone to help get me moving on finishing up some of my quilts that I have been putting on hold - or stalled out. I certainly would like to take part.

    As for your giveaways - I admire other people's applique but it is not for me. I would like to enter giveaway #2- I really do like Pieces of the Heart patterns.

    What a great idea and sure to get your quilting mojo going, Kim.. I think that it is inspired. I will think about how many pieces that I would like to finish - there are about half a dozen in varying stages, I think that I would like to complete before school starts at the end of August.


  9. Seems the clean out bug has hit several of us, I am sending a box fabric to a friend who will use it, :O)... from my freshly organized sewing room closet :O)..It's some I know I won't use but she will...

    I think I will also go thru my books and patterns and do a give a way or two as well :O)... like you say someone else would love to use them!

  10. I would love give away #2. Those look like patterns I would use. Thanks for the chance for some new patterns.


  11. Kim, great idea. Your sweat shop is amazing and amazing things come out of it too! I'm so impressed. As I have soooo many projects already I'd like to make and others have already put their names in for the one I would have chosen, I'll just say thanks for passing things on! I love the quilt in your 8/2 post, btw. I like the black thrown in there. Some day I'll do something like that, but so glad in the mean time I can see others folks (like yours) creations.

  12. I am also cleaning away...I may take you up on the sidebar link once I get more organized. I am starting with some magazines (those can be mailed "media mail") Good luck on your cleaning project. :)

  13. allo, allo
    I am going to pass on your give aways this week. One never knows what you are going to unearth and give away so I will stay posted!!

    Count me in on getting things finished. I thought that July was going to be that, but... didn't happen. No excuses, yet it was a very good month.

    Thanks of the suggestions and I am going to get some things cranked out.

  14. Awesome giveaway! I really like #2.
    Love your blog, very funny and great stuff going on here.

  15. I am interested in group #4. What nice things you have. Thank you so much.

  16. Oh I'm a huge Debbie Mumm fan, so I'd like to be entered in giveaway #1.

  17. It's nice to know I'm not the only one with unfinished projects. I'd love to be entered in Giveaway #2 also.

  18. Good idea, finishes for August! I already have my goals set for this month but am happy to cheer you from the sidelines! Also I like giveaway #3...:)

    My own cleanout will come about three weeks from now after DD#1 moves out and I claim her bedroom as my sewing room. A room of my own at last!

  19. I would love #1. I so enjoy your blog...thank you!

  20. What a great idea! I would love to put in for giveaway #2.
    Kathy in northern BC

  21. Hello Kim,congrats on finishing that stunning hexagon quilt,just love it. I would like to be included in the giveaway No. 1 thank you. Good luck with your finishes for the month of August. Happy days.

  22. I have just shown your photos to my husband - now he can't complain about my untidy studio! Can you please include me for #3. Thanks, regards, Anne

  23. Hi what a great idea, please enter me for #2 as l can see myself using these patterns. Can l just say my dining room looks just the same as your photos and so l really need to get finishing up to make some room, Sue...

  24. I am in for finishing up some projects. As for the patterns, I thinks I also have some of the same ones! Place me on the sidebar. I think I will join you!


  25. Kim, you're a inspiration, at least I'll think about cleaning up the mess I call a sewing room.

    Enter my name for giveaway #2 please.

  26. Giveaway#4. What the hey, enter my name for that one too please. Thanks for a great give away.

  27. Great idea! Would love giveaway #2.

  28. I read the first section and thought 'Oh thou Inspired One, this rudderless Wally will join thou'.
    I read the second half and laughed so much! Its a brilliant idea (and most generous- don't get me wrong!) but that just shifts your extras onto other's tables!
    Nah, I'm joking, I think its a great idea and will go and consider my mess with a similarly constructive eye!
    P.S. is that really your workspace or did you get those photos off the internet?

  29. This is just a throwaway thought, and perhaps I've been to too many funerals lately, but I've been looking at all my 'precious things' around the house and wondering, what the heck would my family do if I stopped sewing tomorrow? It frightens me the amount of projects, books, ideas, papers, fabric, buttons etc etc I have. Another forty years and I'll have used some up I bad to think this?

  30. Number 4 please...As always, thank you Kim!

  31. First of all, I love that you call your room the Sweat Shop! :)

    I'd love to be entered for the #1 drawing. I love Debbie Mumm's designs. Thanks for the chance.

  32. Now that's what I call stashed stash, but looks very organized. I would love to be added to your #4 giveaway.

  33. What a great idea!

    I think I just might join you in the "getting things finished" dept. Mine aren't all quilty things, but still crafty.

    I'd love to be signed up for giveaway #1


  34. Great idea Kim! I am going to clean out my quilt room and finish as many UFO's as possible! I will get started today! I would like to win #3 please! Thanks for the opportunity from CT!

  35. WOW! That is quite an organized mess. I so wish I had a room of my own to spread out in. I will join you in finishing things. I really want to finish my bed quilt.
    I am almost to the point of putting it together....and the community service quilts I am doing, the heart quilt from your class, the bunny quilt from your class (am I seeing a theme here??), the purse pattern I bought, the two 30's quilts (BOM, the Kaye England quilt, etc, etc......


  36. I'll join in on the challenge to get things finished. After seeing your Sweat Shop I don't feel quite so bad about the state of my own chaotic sewing room. I can't seem to stay focused and keep jumping into new projects. I want to pass along some books and fabrics, too, sometime soon.

    Please toss my name into the folder for giveaway#2.

  37. oh crap! for a second I thought you had snuck into my sewing room and taken a picture of my quilt rack! yes I will join you!!!! it's out of hand around here!!!!

  38. I will be off on vacation for a week so not much quilting going on with me this month........Sept will be the month for finishes and maybe some Christmas starts.

    I would love set #2. So nice of you to share the wealth.

  39. I live in a teeny cottage, so I don't really have a stash. I buy enough to complete one project at a time. I think it would be a luxury to enter your sewing room and look at all that stuff! It's like a store. I love to applique and would love to win #1 or 3. Thanks for the opportunity.
    Regards from Gail

  40. This is just what I need to give me the final push to finish what I need to finish before school starts. Seems like I always get to this point then leave things hanging. Sign me up (oh yeah, but I'm flinging, too, so don't sign me up for any giveaways, thanks anyway).

    Thank you hug,

  41. I've got a box of stuff set aside that I've slowly been giving away on my blog as well. I had worked in a quilt shop for many years thinking I could do it all. Anyway, I spotted #4 and just have to have that pineapple pattern! (apparently one that never came in while I worked!) LOL

  42. It is so nice to know my room is not the only one that swallowed a quilt shop. Great idea about the give away. I am going to start right now putting together a couple of groups also. I love #4 I am into aprons.Carol

  43. I'll join in the challenge but not the giveaway. :)

  44. Wow! I love your stash and your sewing room. I am interested in giveaway #2.

  45. I like number 1 most, KimRegards from Cisca

  46. Giveaway #4 is my favorite. Thanks for such a great de-cluttering idea.

  47. Great Idea! I'm interested in #3

  48. I have too many patterns I'll never make so don't put me in the giveaway. What I want to finish in August is organizing my studio. Truly. It's a never ending project.

  49. How about a try for number two! Thanks Kim.

  50. I'd love tobe entered in giveaway #2. Thanks for the opportunity. Your blog is always a pleasure to read.

  51. Kim, this is very nice of you. I would be interested in being entered for #2. Thanks. Winona

  52. Love your blog. Space looks good to me. I'd love #2. Jill

  53. Okay - I am in for using stash and finishing up some projects in August...It's only the 4th so I can get to work!!!

    Oh, I need to make a couple of aprons for Christmas presents - and I hate to buy something new ... so, maybe I could enter your giveaway for #4...

  54. Hi, Kim! This sounds like a great idea.

    I don't need anything, so please don't enter me in the giveaway. I do, however, would love to join you in finishing some projects for August. I am going on a 4 day retreat the third week of August and on another one in September. I am also starting a Finish It Up Challenge for my Quilt Guild because our quilt show is in June 2010. So hopefully I'll be finshing projects right and left!

  55. Sounds like a great way to start cleaning up! I started working on UFOs several months ago - but the list grows faster than I can finish things!

    I really don't need another project, but that Starry Night pattern has my attention . . . and who doesn't love Debbie Mumm? Put me in for #1, please.

  56. I am now a follower of your blog,as I just found it when I read about your blog in the Irish Quilting Magazine. I would love to be entered for Giveaway 1.
    In Ireland

  57. I would also love to be considered for giveaway 3.

  58. What a clever and creative giveaway! I'd love to be considered for #1. But I will be back in a minute :-)

  59. Okay, I am now a follower of your blog. And I'll sign up for the #2 prize :-)

  60. What a lovely lot of Give-aways, I found you via Micki & would love to have a chance of winning Number 4 of the give-aways.
    I am very much a novice & so far haven't done a quilt using a pattern as such it been work it out myself so the Warm Welcome looks a lovely one to have a go at.
    I have become a follower so will look forward to reading more of what your up to & Yes i do remember Rawhide plus several other ones lol
    Hugs Janice

  61. What a fun idea for a give-away.
    All your patterns are delightful and I'm sure the winners will enjoy. I know I would.

    I'd like to be considered for #3, but if I win I'd like to give my prize to Meena, as she told me about this fun give-away.



Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!