Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Something New

Okay, guess what? I have an Etsy shop! Woo-hoo!

No, there's nothing in it yet, but at least it's set up and I'll put a link on my blog soon. I spent a good part of the day today signing up there and starting a new PayPal account for the shop, and then playing around with getting the shop set up. There are still a few things to do, but I'm mostly ready as far as that end of things goes. Now I need to get the software I'm waiting for so I can print up patterns--it should arrive tomorrow.

I really don't much like taking care of this kind of business "stuff" though. After several hours in front of the computer and making a few calls about accounts and such, I was really ready to go play in the Sweat Shop, and I did for a little while, but I don't have anything to show you yet--maybe tomorrow.

I also managed to clean out the freezer in the garage and the freezer in the house. Now we have a countertop piled high with mystery food. I will NOT be surprised if I find a defrosted woolly mammoth in one of those containers in the morning.

I have one more day of vacation left, and I'm going to spend some of it cleaning house--but not too much! I'm definitely going to leave myself at least a little time for play. Thanks for stopping in to visit!


  1. Kim, I'm curious about the software you are getting to print up patterns. Would you mind telling me what it is? Thanks!

  2. I thought you weren't going to blog for a couple days? Just can't stay away.

  3. Congrats on your Esty shop....I hope you sell lots!

    She loves us too much to stay away.......

  4. Can't wait to see the shop. Congrats and good luck with it!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Can't wait to go shopping! Congratulations!!!!!

  7. Well all that business stuff isn't always the fun part, but you got it done and all set up and except for a few things all that is over! Now the fun stuff like making patterns and getting paid can start! WooHoo!

  8. Hi Kim
    Congratulations on your etsy shop!! You are now a bona fide, official quilty business person!! And just think you already have one employee/husband to boss around. I am also curious as to what software you purchased. I can't wait to see your shop. Good luck.
    in somewhat warmer Minnesota

  9. I am excited for you Kim! That was a great thing to accomplish on your "vacation". Ummm, about the Wooly Mamouth????????? Actually I work for Environmental Consultants and you would never guess what I found when I cleaned out the freezer! Urrgh!

  10. Congrats Kim!!! I can't wait to see your shop and your printed patterns.

  11. Well, no grass grows under your feet - I have a vision of you skipping along and singing out loud. WooHoo!
    I feel happy for your big skipping steps on this adventure. Congratulations!

  12. CONGRATULATIONS on the Etsy shop! I know you will be a complete success! I will definitely be purchasing more of your wonderful patterns. You go, girl!


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