Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Pillow Talk

Goodness! I had even more comments on the snowman pillow than on the Santa wallhanging! I'm totally amazed--Thanks for commenting!

I have another pillow idea to share. I put Hubby to work the other day, looking through a few Christmas books for possible baked treats, and he came across an idea for a pillow shaped like a mitten that appealed to him. I knew I had a couple felted wool sweaters tucked away, so I pulled them out tonight and started experimenting a little. I ended up with this smallish mitten pillow:

First I started with a felted wool sweater with a wintery print--I found the wool sweaters at Goodwill.

I drew out something that looked like a mitten shape on a piece of freezer paper and ironed it on the front of the sweater. (I drew a pencil line on the paper so I could keep the pattern lines on the sweater straight and lined up.)

I cut around the freezer paper shape, leaving enough excess for a seam allowance. Then I cut the same shape from the back of the sweater, lining up the design and remembering to reverse the position of the mitten so I didn't end up with one thumb going one way and the other thumb going another. (To do this, I ironed the same pattern onto the INSIDE of the sweater.) I sewed the seam carefully around, using my walking foot, and left an opening in the "wrist" of the mitten for stuffing. Once it was stuffed, I hand stitched the opening closed.

After that, I found some interesting yarn and threaded it around the wrist, using three strands. I tightened the yarn a bit and knotted it; then I braided the ends and fluffed out the tassels.

I do wish I had made the mitten a little larger, and if I get time to make the second pillow, I WILL make that one larger. Hubby thinks the pillow is great, so I know these have "guy appeal," and I think a couple mitten pillows decorating a boy's bed for winter would be great!


  1. Wow! Hubby appeal! Boy it looks great beside the snowman pillow and your pretty darn nice quilt!

  2. And yet ANOTHER cute idea!!!!!!!!! Now you've got your DH in on it, too. LOL!

  3. Another cute pillow!!! Can't wait to see what you come up with next.

  4. How cute! Don't you just love freezer paper?

    This is adorable!

  5. Isn't that just too cute! You're on a roll girl! It's fun when you take something in your house and come up with this kind of stuff, I felt pretty good when I made my sewing room curtains out of pillow cases too. What's next from you?

  6. You are lucky to have Hubby busy at work for you. But, I have to admit, I still love the snowman pillow best. I had just bought three very similar placemats at the Disabled Veterans Thrift Store. I am so tempted to do my own.

  7. All THREE of those pillows are just adorable!!! And you are such a special special friend to share your ideas, complete with 'how-to', with all of us. Thank you, Kim, for being such a special person.

  8. Cute mitten. And you're right, a pair of them would be great.

  9. Cute mitten. And you're right, a pair of them would be great.

  10. AHH CUTE Kim!!! What a great idea! Okay... are you starting to take notes and set up a book yet? You are getting there with all your creative ideas :o)

  11. This is so cute, I 'll have to go looking for a sweater now! It seems I like starting things better than I like finishing them, but what the hey, it's my hobby! I can do as I like I guess. Thanks for the great ideas.

  12. So when is your book coming out with all these great ideas, Kim?!

  13. I had such fun browsing through your blog and, yes, I think the pillow is a great idea for a man/boy gift!
    Can you tell me more about the quilt with the friendship stars? Is there a pattern or different picture I could look at?
    Rita E in AZ
    requilt (at) yahoo (dot) com

  14. I love it! You know that I just bought some sweaters from the goodwill. I think I will have to try one of those!!! Yeah right when? Oh well...

  15. Very cool...I deem you Queen of pillows!

  16. I'm tellin ya, pretty soon you are going to have your own show,
    "crafting with Kim at Goodwill"
    I love the pillow!

  17. Your Hubby's right. That's the best pillow...and what a cute idea for a boy's room. Now if I only knew someone with boys. Oh yeah... ME. Do you think they would look good out of homespuns as well? I have lots of homespuns and they always look great decorating the boys rooms.

  18. Another great project. The mitten pillow turned out great, love it! Thanks for all the inspiration.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!