Tuesday, December 9, 2008


WOW! I guess you all liked my little Santa project! 31 comments and I wasn't even giving anything away--that has to be a record! I feel the way I imagine the most popular girl in the 6th grade felt! Thanks so much for leaving me your comments.

Tonight I made another little project that used a similar method. Probably not quite as cute as Santa, but I'm pleased with it, so I thought I'd share again.

I started with two quilted placemats I found at Goodwill awhile back.

Using the snowman block pattern from the Christmas List quilt, I cut all the pieces from wool to build a snowman and pinned them into place on one of the placemats.

I sewed the wool along the edges, just like I did with Santa, and then I added a little quilted detail.

When that was done, I called in my quality control assistant to check to make sure everything was correct. She paid particularly close attention to the quilting--of course! Everyone's a critic!

Using a blanket stitch with some black perle cotton, I sewed the front (snowman) placemat to the plain placemat back and stuffed it. Voila! A Christmas snowman pillow!

A couple drawbacks I wanted to mention. These pre-quilted placemats are seriously difficult to needle. The Juki didn't like sewing through the layers at all, but the Bernina came through for me just fine. Then later, trying to get the needle through the two placemats to blanket stitch them together was a bear! I suspect my fingers are going to feel a little bruised tomorrow, but I'm pleased with the result, and that's all that matters right?! All in all, this project took probably around four hours or so and would have gone much faster if the placemats had been easier to sew.

I hope these two projects--the Santa wallhanging and the Snowman pillow--give you a few ideas for some quick Christmas gifts!


  1. WOW!!! Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas!

  2. Dear kim,
    I love your work, and I follow every day your blog, that I found very funny, so I learn new quilt ideas and I improve my (bad) english.
    Greetings from Switzerland

  3. Another cute project.I'm surprised the Juki wouldn't sew through all those layers. Yes, sore fingers I'm sure. Won't be able to type today.

    What's next?

  4. OMG. You. Are. Killing. Me. ANOTHER adorable project and how creative was THAT?! Seriously, you should be teaching a 'see things a different way' type of creativity class. I would enroll!

  5. I agree with ratherbquilting's comment. I like that you "see things a different way". I wish that I could do that more often.
    The snowman is just darling!

  6. Geez, I can't keep up with you! That is adorable. I love snowmen. I wish I had started earlier in all my projects. May be I will have to make all of them now and enjoy them into January before they get packet away for next year. Or I could hold onto them until next year for a big surprise!!!! UGH!

  7. What a clever idea! And very "green"; using the quilted placemats. I'm impressed and loving Frosty!

    Jen :)

  8. You are so clever. Those projects are adorable.
    I received my patterns that I won in your drawing last Friday. Thanks a bunch.
    Have a blessed Christmas.

  9. Now why didn't I think of that. Love that idea. Thanks.

  10. Kim,

    You are so creative. Bravo for using treasures from the thrift store in such a cool way. The pillow is very cute!


  11. Frosty is so cute! Thanks for sharing such fun & easy projects!

  12. Now who would of thought of turning placemats into a pillow....not me, but I may now. Kim, you are just too clever, talented, creative, etc etc.
    Your blog is the first one I check on every morning and you never fail to enlighten me. Thank you for sharing your adventures.

  13. I think I have those distowels!

    What a cute idea! I'm going to put your blog in my sidebar under Tutorials so other people can see.

    So, you button hole stitch by hand. Do you also hand applique? I remember you saying you don't do fusibles. I was thinking about that late last night while I was making tiny Christmas trees.

  14. Brilliant idea...and so pretty!!

  15. Thanks for sharing your wonderful projects! Like Leyla from Switzerland said, I also read your blog every day and I find it very funny. It is also my way of trying to improve my (bad) english too!!!
    Greetings from white Finland

  16. Oh Kimmy....as much as I like Santas, I really love snowmen. Thank you so much....I'll let you know when it arrives. :)

  17. You are just so darn clever! I loved your project yesterday and today's project is even more brilliant! You are getting to be my "quilting guru". I did the peperment candy pattern a couple years ago but I still need to get the pattern for the Tree project from Sandy G. That one turned out sooo cute!

  18. Cute Kim! What a great idea!

  19. You have the neatest blog, and I love both of your ideas.

  20. What a darned clever idea! Very cute! And I can tell your assistant agrees!

  21. Now I would never buy thrift placemats but see they can become something totally different!

  22. so adorable!
    I LOVE this, I happen to love snowmen but on that red background (ok placemat) it is just perfect.
    The colors are awesome
    What a great idea, your just so creative :)

  23. too cute! by the way, I think you blogged about a new favority quilt shop in Sacramento... which one is it? I need to go up for a meeting on Friday morning and it would be fun to take a detour to something fun before driving back south...

  24. Kim,
    You are sure the clever one. Love both of your projects. Thanks Marylin

  25. Just adorable. You come up with the neatest things.

  26. What a great idea - it is adorable! Gotta love those Berninas.

  27. Wow....too cool projects.....like them both and will be trying to get to one or the other of them before Christmas.....LOL...who am I kidding......! Love your work!!

  28. And another adorable project. YOu need to start making patterns and selling them! I'd be first in line to buy them. Wish I lived closer to take your classes. You're gonna do great!

  29. Ok, that pillow is downright cute. I totally impressed that you thought of that!

    Tina C.

  30. too cute! I love the swirl quilting!

  31. that is totally cute! without making my teeth hurt!

  32. In a few words......me like!
    You are so creative.....Take care.

  33. Kim - you could have won Martha Stewart's recent holiday craft contest with that one! Way to go!

  34. Even more comments today!!!! I love these projects, can't decide which is cuter 'Santa' or the 'Snowman'!! Thanks for sharing.

  35. I just knew there was a way to use those beautiful placemats! You QC specialist did a great job!

  36. I just knew there was a way to use those beautiful placemats! You QC specialist did a great job!

  37. *shriek*! i absolutely love it! he is soooo cute. love the quilting detail on him

  38. They were right to comment. You're awesome. This gives me a bit of an idea for Christmas that I think I actually might be able to manage. One of my online purchases sent an email that said it wouldn't arrive until Jan 3rd. Gotta come up with something in the meantime to give to my sister-in-law. I love the details on the body of the snowman.

  39. They were right to comment. You're awesome. This gives me a bit of an idea for Christmas that I think I actually might be able to manage. One of my online purchases sent an email that said it wouldn't arrive until Jan 3rd. Gotta come up with something in the meantime to give to my sister-in-law. I love the details on the body of the snowman.

  40. What a great pillow! I love the quilting you did on the snowman...

  41. See? Because you had excellent quality control, you have gotten over 45 comments! Call in the cat controller more often! REALLY cute project.

  42. Hi Kim. Your Frosty is too cute. I love the quilting you did on him. What a wonderful idea using the placemats.


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