Friday, December 12, 2008

Loose Ends

I have a couple unrelated things I wanted to blog tonight. Julia from our Thimbleberries Club asked last night whether I had ever given directions on this blog for felting wool. I think I probably did at some point, but I'm not sure, and since I've shown you some felted wool projects lately, I thought maybe I should mention the "how to" basics.

Most of my wool comes from the thrift store, and I always look for 100 percent wool garments. For heavier projects, like the purses and pillows I've made, I've purchased wool sweaters. The lighter weight wool I've used in applique comes from suits, skirts, and jackets.

The basic method for felting wool is to put the wool into the washing machine with a little soap and run it through on hot. Judy recently mentioned putting the wool inside a pillowcase or cloth bag to keep all the little wool particles that slough off from clogging up the drain, and that's a good idea. You would then remove the wool from the pillowcase or bag and dry it on hot in the dryer. Judy also mentioned adding a dye magnet to the wash. Since I'm usually washing wool from just one garment, I don't bother, but if I was doing a mixed load, I would.

When I felt sweaters, I put them through the wash-and-dry process first and then cut them up later--often not until I'm going to use them. With other wool garments, I cut them up first and remove linings, interfacing, buttons, zippers, etc., before they're washed. If I've forgotten to mention anything about felting wool you were wondering about, please leave me a comment and I'll respond.

This morning when I got up, I put on my robe and found one of the cards of peppermint buttons on the bed under my robe. I couldn't figure out how they got there, but I figured I'd somehow carried them in. Nope, not the case. Turns out when Hubby got up this morning, Spike was running around the house carrying the buttons in her mouth, and he couldn't catch her. I guess she was doing quality control again. Nice of her to leave them where I was sure to find them!

Tonight I thought I'd try to find and post a nice photo of a hot, studly-looking guy dressed as Santa--just to get you all in the Christmas spirit, you understand?! I can't begin to tell you all the weird stuff my searches found, particularly when Yahoo told me it wasn't going to search for me unless I turned off "safe search." I'm telling you, if you ever hear I've been arrested and they've found I've been viewing internet porn, would you please tell them I was just searching for Santa? In the end, I didn't find anything suitable. I did find this on YouTube, though and it's kind of funny if you have an odd sense of humor; otherwise, it's just plain wrong. And, I'll warn you: You might not want to watch it early in the morning or if you're feeling at all queasy!


  1. LOL - Very clever...though I was hoping for the hunky fireman under the suit :o)

  2. Guess it's not fit for my eyes cause it won't work for me. Tthat's OK to early in the morning.

  3. Yeah, I LOVED IT. Then again, I'm usually also just plain wrong, lol.

    Regarding wool. I realize your laundry facilities are likely in your garage, but as a wool rug hooker I want to pass on a trade tip.

    Bring your recycled woolens into the house in a sealed plastic bag and put them directly into the wash. Do not store in your home before washing. Those moths or moth eggs are just waiting to infiltrate your wool stash. Better to leave your unwashed inventory outside, than to ruin your stash!!

  4. LOL...I didn't feel queasy this morning until I watched hot Santa! lol

    Good idea to wash the wool in a bag, I hadn't thought of that.

  5. Alrighty did warn me. I'd say we definitely need to help those elves at the North Pole....LOL....I kept thinking that Mrs. Santa would yell from the next room....."Put it on!"
    Take care.

  6. HYSTERICAL! I'm searching youtube to find it so that I can pass it on. I love it! Dirty Santa! LOL!

    Thank you for the felting tips. There's a book out there in net-land that I'm thinking of getting regarding felted gifts but wasn't sure how to go about "felting" stuff.

    Jen :)

  7. NOT pretty!!! Now I'm going to have to wash my eyes out! LMAO! I could have bad dreams for a month from that - and be traumatized every Christmas for the next 30 years.....never want to sit on Santas lap again....

  8. The video was hilarious! My husband walked in while I was watching it. lol

    Thanks for the felting tips! A couple of weeks ago I found a wool sweater in my closet and was about to put it on when I found a little moth hole on the sleeve. I'll have to try felting it today!

  9. Okay put me down in the weirdo column 'cuz that was funny!

    I didn't worry with the color catchers for the jackets wool but just the dyed wool since it still had some left over dye that wanted to run. Some did fine but the that was a colorful sheet!

  10. that was great, obviously I have no taste!!!

  11. I have always been accused of having a very weird sense of humor, and while this was quite funny, it was also rather gross. Now, if it was a hard-body Santa.....WOO HOO!!!!! Thanks for sharing! Ho Ho Ho!!!!
    Thanks also for the how to felt wool.

  12. You are such a goof - and you are right it is kind of funny.


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