Saturday, December 13, 2008

I'm Making a List, and Checking it Twice . . . .

Christmas is less than two weeks away. Do you have your plans well under control, or are you getting a little panicky? When I logged into my blog tonight, I noticed my Christmas countdown has disappeared--that makes ME a little panicky! Christmas isn't here yet, is it? I didn't just black out and forget?! I wonder whether the countdown will magically reappear?

To tell you the truth, I'm not quite sure where I am on getting ready for Christmas--because I'm not quite sure what my plans ARE! This weekend I need to get serious about making a list of what I hope to accomplish--baking, gifts, etc. Next Saturday is our annual Christmas get together at Hubby's parents' house, and I know I'll want to bring some baked goods or SOMETHING--I just haven't decided what. So this weekend, I need to come up with a plan.

Several weeks ago, I arranged to take Thursday and Friday off work, knowing I just might need to do a little preparation, and I'm very happy I thought ahead. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are sure to be crazy at work because we'll be working short handed again. My being out Thursday and Friday will just make it worse, but at least it won't be my headache! LOL! And, just so you know, my blogging may be a bit spotty next week depending--if I end up working long hours either at work or at home getting ready for Christmas, I'm not going to beat myself up if I can't post every night. But I've said that before, and I've continued to post nightly, so don't necessarily hold me to it!

In addition to Christmas, I need to finish the quilts for the classes I'm teaching, finalize supply lists and fabric requirements, and write pattern directions. In some ways, having taken on these projects has been a little liberating Christmas-wise. I knew when I agreed to teach that the plans I had previously made to get a few quilted gifts done needed to be set aside. But, along with that, it seems I've just kind of pushed the whole idea of Christmas aside a bit--and it's time to get serious. Crunch time.

So, that's what I have planned for the weekend. Besides that, I finished quilting the Valentine hearts quilt and I need to bind it. I have a couple miscellaneous projects I'd like to do. And if the bright threads I ordered arrive in the mail, I hope to get started on quilting the Hey Ghoul Friend quilt. How about you? Do you have a lot to get done? Or can you just relax and enjoy the season?

Addendum: This might amuse you!

I was still at the computer a few minutes ago when Hubby climbed into bed, and our conversation went like this:

Hubs: "So, what's the game plan for the weekend?" [He's been anxiously bugging me the last couple days to come up with a plan to get ready for Christmas, and I've been resistant because I'm just not THERE yet.]

Me [Looking at him for a moment like he's lost his mind. This is the man who plans to do six things over the weekend and rarely gets the first thing done]: "Well, you're going to do all the work things and I'm going to do all the fun things."

Hubs: "Like what? What do you mean?"

Me: "You're going to do all the things that need to get done, and I'm going to do whatever fun things I feel like doing."

Hubs: "And what time should I wake you up to get started?"

Me: "You need to worry about waking yourself up since you have to do all the work. I'm doing the fun things, remember? Like sleeping in?"



  1. Well, you are off and running.
    Best wishes on accomplishing what you want to/need to this weekend.

  2. YIKS, you make me tired this morning thinking about what I have to do. One week from today and DS comes for several days before Christmas. DD also for overnight. Think she has to go back to school for a couple days.

    Good Luck on getting your DH to do all the hard things.

  3. I like your way of thinking. You do the fun stuff, he does the rest. I wish this would work in our house!
    Have a great Christmas.

  4. Don't you just love it when they ask "What's the game plan?" I've got to be more clever like you, Kim, rather than just look back at him cross-eyed!
    Thanks for keeping our spirits high with your terrific humour (BTW - I still don't know what to think about that Santa yesterday - ROFLOL!!!)

  5. Well the last of hubby's stuff for me was picked up this morning...I sent him to the quilt shop and the girls there knew what I needed. SO we are done for gifts...but what we are eating?? Who knows! Maybe turkey this time, which means I do have to cook it, oh yea and buy one...oh, does it count that I threw in a box of stuffing in the cart yesterday during regular shopping???

    Surely that means I'm all ready, right? LOL!!!

  6. your husband sounds an awful lot like mine lol! i haven't even started thinking of what needs done yet-ack!

  7. Well gosh Kim, you are making my head spin! No, I'm not ready and not sure what my plans are to a point either. I trust it will get done as it always somehow does.I would like to say I am going to relax and enjoy a little bit, I hope we all get to!!

  8. I'm in denial!
    I went thrift shop hopping today after our guilds Christmas party.

    I'm waiting for everything to fall together at the last minute like it always does :-)

  9. Well Kim did you plan work out? He did do all the hard stuff and you had all the fun- seemed like a pretty good plan to me:D) You do make me laugh....

    I can see he is a pretty good sort who enjoys having fun too-

    Hope you got some of the things done that help you to enjoy the Christmas season..

  10. Tomorrow I have having a little Christmas party with my grand kids. I made them Christmas pillowcases for little door prizes and I have them Christmas coloring books, much to their mother's dismay (one of them colors everything!). I still have a quilt top to finish, and I have another one to start. The Christmas letter is written, the photo cards have been ordered, but I haven't even started writing the 100 plus addresses! Gifts aren't wrapped. Our Christmas is this coming Saturday, so I better get busy!

  11. I laughed out loud when I read the conversation between you and hubs. I *really* need to have that conversation with my own hubby. Thanks for the morning laugh!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!