Monday, October 27, 2008

Slaving Away in the Kitchen . . .

Here it is, Sunday night, and another weekend is coming to a close. Today has been a much more productive day than yesterday, although I didn't get nearly as much sewing time. That's okay, though. Some days are like that.

Our local grocery store has $5 Friday Family nights where they have something or other to feed a family for only $5. I like to try to get my grocery shopping done on the way home from work on Fridays so I don't have to do it over the weekend, and if the grocery store has something decent for $5, I usually pick it up. This past Friday it was whole roasted chickens. From that chicken, Hubby and I had chicken for dinner Friday, chicken Caesar salads for dinner tonight, and I made a big pot of chicken/veggie/noodle soup. Not a bad deal!

It was also about time I used those apples I bought at Apple Hill a few weeks ago. So, I made an Apple Hill Cake to take to the office tomorrow--Boy Boss saw it on my blog and has been hinting that he'd like to try it.

A dozen Ten apple dumplings (a recipe from the Apple Hill cookbook--there WAS a dozen, but we needed to taste test them just to make sure they were okay). Not as pretty as I would have liked, but this was my first effort at making dumplings and they are tasty!

A Dutch apple pie for the freezer.

And two regular apple pies for the freezer. One is low fat. Why? Because--as it seems I do about half the time--I forgot to put the butter in before I put the top crust on. ARGH!

So I think we're set for apple desserts for awhile. Except I still have some apples left--the ones in that basket behind the pies in that last photo. Maybe once the dumplings are gone, I'll make another pie. I'm guessing that might be next weekend. And I'm hoping that by next weekend, I'll feel like standing around in the kitchen again.

I hope you also had a great weekend! Thanks for stopping in for a visit.


  1. Yumm they all look so good. That cake is the one I want to try also if I can find the recipe. Hint Hint!

    Have a good week now.

  2. Now you know you have to post recipes for the cake and dumplings!

  3. You do it ALL!!! I got a bunch of oranges.. do you do anything wonderful with oranges? Your pies look great! Have a great week!

  4. I just happen to be having another cup of, please pass the apple dumplings! Yummy..

  5. All of that apple stuff looks great! Especially those dumplings. Do you make your own pie crusts?

  6. I remember once on Everybody Loves Raymond, the father Frank saying..."the stomach knows not ugly"

    Anything with bubby hot goodness is never unattractive.

  7. Okay, call me crazy but I don't like hot fruit desserts so I don't eat apple or pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving. I KNOW! Call me unamerican! The cake and pies look delicious but I just don't like how they taste. Crazy, crazy... but that big 'ol pot of chicken soup.. now THAT looks good!

    Jen :)

  8. Everything looks so good!

    I, too, love to get the roasted chickens at the grocery store. I make chicken pot pie, chicken and dumplings, or chicken tacos. It seems that we, too, can several good meals from a $5 chicken.

    Now I'm craving apples.

  9. I have just made your Apple Hill Cake! The kitchen smells very nice, my husband is happy (so I am happy)- what more should I wish for? Thank you for very tasty recipe, I have put it in to my "family file" . Have a great week.
    Jana from Helsinki

  10. Okay, can't just post all these yummies without coughing up some recipes!! LOL We have the recipe for Apple Hill Cake...but those dumplings are something my DH would just LOVE. Can you share the recipe, please?

  11. Everything looks soooo good!! Especially the apple cake...yum!

  12. Ok, this post is making me too hungry! Kim, you are making me look bad in the kitchen. LOL

  13. Everything looks so tasty. I love pie. Did I mention that to you before.LOL
    Take care.

  14. My goodness that looks to me like a home made pie crust. Not one but two??? I am soooo totally impressed with you. They are home made aren't they?? I hear Pillsbury makes a mean one too. Not that I've ever used it.

  15. YUM, and more YUM!!! I am going to make the apple cake tomorrow. For some reason, I have been craving all things "apple". Wonder why.....LOL
    I love the idea of $5 Friday - wish our grocery store did that!


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