Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Lazy Sort of Day

More and more I find I spend my Saturdays being lazy and recovering from my busy work weeks, and today was no exception. I have all kinds of things I want to do this weekend, but if they don't get done, it won't really matter in the overall cosmic scheme of things.

My quilting assistant, Spike, spent her day being as lazy as I was. She had a somewhat active burst mid-afternoon when she sat on the dresser in the bedroom and "talked" to the birds and the squirrels, but the rest of the day was spent laying around.

I didn't do much today besides sleeping and reading except to work on piecing the peppermint blocks. A couple of you asked if the pattern was paperpieced. Nope! It's the same basic technique used in many of the Buggy Barn patterns, and I took a couple photos to show you how these work in case you've never seen them.

Each pattern comes with a sheet that looks something like this:

You trace the pattern onto freezer paper, and you usually need to trace the pattern two or three times. You collect, press, and stack fat quarters in whatever configuration the pattern recommends--it seems that the Pieces From My Heart patterns often separate them out by color whereas the Buggy Barn patterns usually have you mix them up in certain ways--like light, dark, light, dark . . . or by stacking colors in a particular pattern. You then iron the freezer paper onto the top of a stack of fat quarters and cut along the pattern lines. Once you have your pieces cut, the directions tell you how to rotate the fabrics, and you end up with something like this (except you'd have a whole stack piled up--this was just the last of the blocks):

The pattern is often marked by numbers and/or letters so you can identify which sections should be switched and in what order to sew the pieces back together.

The effect looks something like paperpiecing but there's no paper to remove. Here's how the peppermint blocks look--

I still need to move them around a bit and pick out sashing and border fabrics, but I've finished all 12 blocks. Now that I think about it, I guess I did get something done today, even if it felt like I was just being lazy and doing nothing but playing!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. well....the downside of us getting to the weekend before you is that it ends before yours!!...which means it is Sunday night and I am thinking about the week ahead....those peppermint blocks are looking excellent!! I got my litle quilt finished today and have cooked up a storm for morning tea tomorrow at work.....might get some stitching done once I sit down...but probably not...enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  2. another pattern I am going to have to buy
    this is just so cute!
    I love peppermints too :)

  3. Those peppermints are just wonderful! What a happy, happy quilt.

  4. I really like this pattern. If you wanted to...could you rotate the blocks so that the twisty part of the candies are in different directions?

    You certainly got more accomplished than me...I never even finished ironing my fabric yesterday :-( Oh well...

  5. Yes, I'd say you got a lot done. Very cute.

  6. Even your lazy days are quite productive. :) Those are really cute!

  7. What a clever pattern! Lots of work went into this one. I really like your colors!

  8. Thanks for explaining that! Your quilt is turning out adorable.

  9. Just found your blog. Love your quilts.

  10. I made the Christmas Tree one like this and I still have to get it quilted, but it was really fun to make and they turn out so well! Love the peppermints and the other one you did a LOT!!!

  11. It is nice to have days like this!! Great job on the peppermint blocks!! They are just too cute and very original. Very nice!!

  12. Love the peppermints.. they are doing a class on the Christmas Tree pattern..during the week of course. LOL I wont be able to make it so bought the pattern and will do it at home... You did more than me so far.. my non agenda weekend turned out to be busy and no playing.. still might get some in this afternoon.. so I better get.. Thanks for sharing.

  13. I'm so glad you shared photos of HOW these blocks go together. Thanks!

  14. I made to Christmas Tree pattern too. I am putting the binding on it today. I loved your peppermint candy blocks. Guess I'll just have to buy that one too! :)

  15. Hi Kim
    I sure wish I could be as lazy/productive as you are. You sure do inspire me to get more done. Very cute peppermints! I am working on my happy jacks wallhanging and just have the borders to put on. I am very pleased with it and directions were great! Thanks again.
    In snowy Minnesota

  16. You always have something to share, good for you taking the day off.

  17. I bought a book after your last post about the Buggy Barn chicken quilt.
    I will have to look into this pattern too. So cute.

  18. How cute! I love Sandy Gervais' patterns. I made her Happy Jack from her Pumpkins Gone Wild charm pack and pattern.

    And, you'll be proud of me...I pulled out my Juki and quilted it myself! I was so proud of me! My quilting at first was terrible, but as I went along and figured things out as I went, it started to look great. I'll post it on my blog in few days.

  19. Wow Kim, those peppermint blocks are looking great. Not sure I could follow the instructions, mine would probably look like "the misfit candies"! LOL

  20. How I love that comfy, cozy photo of Spike - it just puts a big ol' smile on my face! I really want to come to your house and sew with you, and have you take me through this step by step - what fun!How much do you charge an hour? Oh,and a word of warning? Hide all your good cooking! You KNOW I'll be hungry!!!!


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