Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Terrific Day!

You all know I wasn't really looking forward to spending the morning hanging out at the DMV, right?

Well, as it turned out, I was in and out of there within about a half hour! I walked in around 8:20--which, by the way, is MUCH too early to be out and around as was evident by the fact that there was no one in the "start here" line. I got there just in time, though, because within about ten minutes, there were about ten people in the line. My lucky day! I was assigned a number and ran into the ladies room to check my hair and make up before sitting down in a hard plastic chair. Did you know that the California DMV now has screens mounted from the ceiling which flash the "now serving" numbers, and those are matched up with the appropriate window number one is to report to? And did you know that a pleasant female voice announces the same information? It's a little like being in an airport!

About five minutes after sitting down, my number was called. The clerk looked at my driver's license info and wished me a happy birthday, albeit a day early. Then we discussed astrology for awhile and he filled out stuff and punched stuff and I filled out stuff and signed stuff and we had a good old time there at the DMV. Then he made me read a bunch of letters off a chart hanging from the ceiling, and cover one eye and read a bunch more letters, and then cover the other eye and read more letters, and then I said goodbye to my BFF DMV clerk, and I got to go stand in the camera line and meet another nice DMV clerk.

Turns out they had a big mirror right there in line so you could check your make up and pluck any stray chin hairs just before you get your photo taken! I asked the camera guy if he could make me look younger and thinner, and he said, "Certainly! Do you want to look five years younger, or ten years younger?" Of course I opted for ten years, and I smiled a big smile for the camera and then I was on my way out the door. Painless after all!

On the way to work, I even had time to stop at Starbucks--which was a good thing considering how early I got up this morning!

Just before lunch time, my boy boss sent an email to everyone, saying it's my birthday tomorrow and there were little "cakes" in the kitchen that he had made. Yum! He remembered me saying a few weeks back that I could probably take baths in Mojitos, so when he came across a recipe in one of his wife's Rachael Ray magazines for Mojito cakes, he knew he had to make them for me. What a great boss, huh?!

I took this photo but it was pretty lousy--sorry! I should have taken a couple more so maybe one would have turned out okay. They were really excellent, though, and it was such a nice surprise!

At lunch, one of my quilting buddies at work asked if I wanted to go to the quilt shop, so off we went.

Of course, I found a couple things to buy myself. Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me . . . .

When I got home from work, Hubby surprised me with bright and happy sunflowers! And a Starbucks latte--excellent Hubby, huh?! And it's not even my birthday yet--not for another 45 minutes anyway!

Tonight I threw together a quick dinner salad and then I zipped around cleaning house--I even managed to get it done in a little over an hour. (That's what two Starbuck's lattes in one day and failing eyesight--so you can't really see the dust--will allow you to accomplish!) Now I can relax for the next few days. Oh, by the way, did I tell you I have the rest of the week off work? Yippeee for the birthday girl! Woo-hoo!

Finally, I hopped in the car and drove down to Blockbuster, where I picked up a few chick flicks to enjoy over the next few days while I do a little applique and other hand work. I think I'm probably the only person in the world who hasn't read all the Harry Potter books and seen all the movies--I've seen the first few and was hoping to get the next one, but it was out. Maybe next time. Meanwhile, these should keep me busy.

No, I have no definite plans for my time off other than to relax and enjoy myself. Oh, and I think tomorrow night--my birthday night--I'll close the comments on the Susan Branch Cookbook giveaway and draw a winner. Unless I'm too busy celebrating. And if I don't post tomorrow night, don't worry--I'm probably just taking a bath in Mojitos or something!


  1. Let me be the 1st to wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kim! Have a happy happy day! I am celebrating for you, just back from the Tom Petty concert here- Whooo Hooo!

  2. Happy Birthday Kim I hope you have a wonderful day
    hugs Beth

  3. happy, happy birthday
    pretty sunflowers!
    can't wait to see what you make with the fabric you bought...
    I think I may need a few of those charm packs too!
    Kathie who thinks everyday should be a latte day at Starbucks!
    go enjoy one today on your birthday!

  4. Happy, Happy Birthday to you Miss Kim! Enjoy the rest of the week off! What fun!

  5. Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Kiiimmmmm, Happy Birthday to you! I'll skip the How Old are you now part! Have a wonderful birthday and enjoy your time off!

  6. All that worry about the DMV for nothing! What a great way to start off the day!

    Happy Birthday! {{{hugs}}}

  7. So it's officially the next day from your post so - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.
    I hope you have a wonderful day - and enjoy the rest of the week and may it be full of "ME TIME".

    Hugs - Karen

  8. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day AND your vacation.

    I see you bought more Prairie Paisley. I *love* that fabric.What will you make with it?

  9. Looks like a good selection of movies. Have a great time on your mini vacation and a Happy Birthday too!

  10. Happy Birthday, Kim! Enjoy your week! Heck, enjoy the whole year! (Hugs)

  11. This is your BIRTHDAY song - it isn't VERY long....

    Hip hip HOORAY! Many happy days more like yesterday and you'll melt and slide under a door and we won't find you! Have a great one today, you deserve it!

  12. Happy Happy Birthday, Miss Kim! I hope that you have a wonderful day!

  13. Happy Birthday, Kim! I hope you have a terrific birthday week. Mojito cakes - those sound so great! And how nice of him.

  14. Love the Other boleyn girl and Juno, please let me know about bella! Happy Birthday!!!

  15. Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday... Sounds like you had a great day!! and the rest of the week off. YIPPEE!!
    You picked great movies. Juno was great, I read "The Other Bolyn Girl", but haven't seen the movie and have never heard of Bella. Will have to check that out....
    I am reading Harry Potter #6 now and am probably the only person that doesn't know who dies..!! lol

  16. Happy birthday! I came here via Lorraine's birthday wishes for you (grannyloz). Sounds like it's going to be a good birthday. Movies and stitching. My best!

  17. I like birthday parties! Hope you're having a great one. And let us know how you liked the movies, please? I haven't seen any of them and only someone who likes chic flicks can recommend to another fan.

    Have a great day!

  18. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! How exciting to have the rest of the week off!!! Enjoy yourself!!!
    I haven't seen any of those movies, you will have to do a review for me.
    I am reading Outlander as per your suggestion. It is wonderful so far!
    Though I can't seem to put it down to get my domestic chores done. :~)

  19. Happy Birthday Kimmy!!!! I hope you enjoy your day and your little vacation. Very happy to hear that all went well at the DMV....LOL

  20. Kim,
    Happy birthday to you. I don't comment much, but I read your blog every day. I love the way you think and always love your quilts.

  21. Happy Birthday!!! Enjoy your time away from work - rest, relax, and party! Cheers to you!

  22. Happy Birthday Kimmy! glad everything went well with the DMV and you got to go shopping...the sunflowers are so pretty!

  23. Happy Birthday , Kim, I've already wished it once while you were sleeping. But didn't want the bloggers to think I ignored you today.

    Hope you have a great week off, loafing around. watching movies.

    I hope it's a good one and you get lots of great things. Oh and lots of sewing done.

  25. Hi and Happy Birthday! I love reading your blog and was glad to read about your new BFF's at the DMV! Have a great day!!!

  26. Happy Birthday!
    Hope you are having a good one!
    Enjoy your few days off!

  27. Hi Kim,
    Happy Happy birthday to you- I hope you have a terrific day today.
    Your sunflowers are beautiful and are my favorite flowers- Do they make you feel like they are happy and smiling at you? There is something about sunflowers that always makes me smile!
    The movies look great- I have been reading the Philippa Gregory series and haven't got to the Other Boleyn Girl yet - I am nearly finished the Virgin Lover about Elizabeth I. I don't know the movie Bella either- I look forward to your review of them.
    I have the stack of Harry Potter sitting by my night table as well- I keep meaning to read them but some other book sneaks in ahead of them.
    Enjoy a terrific day and may your year be filled with good times with friends and family. May have good health and find yourself supported by the love and laughter of loved ones.
    With best wishes,

  28. Okay firstly I need to know what are 'Mojitos'?? They looked good!
    Secondly "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU", sounds like you had a great pre birthday day, hope the actual day is just as good!Look forward to hearing all about it.

  29. Happy Birthday to you! How awesome to get some time off to just relax and do for you! Can't wait to see next post.....the gifts follow right? SMILE

  30. Hi Kim, I'd like to wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY -hope you had a relaxing, but fun filled day - you certainly deserved it after your visit to the DMV. Best wishes, Tina D (Melbourne).

  31. yummy pictures they have given me a lot of ideas :0)

  32. HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY, KIM!!!!! Another year younger!! Mojito cakes - I'll take several, thank you! I MUST find that recipe! I'm like you - I would bathe in mojitos, too, and probably drink a lot while I was bathing!! Eeeuuuwwww!! Hopefully, you didn't get a visual of that.
