Monday, July 21, 2008


When it comes to procrastinating, I'm a pro! How about you? I know from past discussions that many of you are motivated by deadlines, but in the face of a deadline, do you chose to wait until the very last moment?

I think that somewhere in the back of my mind I must think that maybe if I wait long enough, I'll never have to do whatever it is I'm avoiding. Like maybe I'll be struck by lightening and I'll be sitting on a cloud somewhere thinking, "Darn it! Why did I go to the dentist last week? If I'd just waited a little longer, I could have spent that time quilting instead!" Or maybe "they" will change the rules and whatever it is will no longer be necessary.

I've done the same thing in the past with health issues. Eventually, though, I'll convince myself I'm dying, so I'll finally go to the doctor. Invariably I'll be told something like the bump I was sure was a tumor or skin cancer is just a cyst--you know, that kind of thing.

So, here it is, 26 hours until my driver's license expires and I still haven't made it down to the Department of Motor Vehicles to renew it. Why? Because it's not something I look forward to doing, and maybe if I wait long enough, I won't have to. Maybe I'll get struck by lightening. Maybe gas will go up to $10 a gallon and I'll quit driving. Maybe I'll win the lottery and get myself a personal chauffer and a limo. Maybe Japan will buy the State of California, and everyone who drives a Nissan will be excused from driver's license requirements. But, yeah, I'll admit--at this point, it's not looking good.

Here in California, the DMV will renew our licenses a couple times, and that's good for--I think--four years each time. At some point, though, they make you come in and have your photo taken and they give you an eye test. The eye test isn't a problem as long as they aren't going to want me to read anything close up without reading glasses. The photo thing though--well, you may have noticed I'm a little adverse to photos. They rarely seem to come out well. Although, I have to say, the photo on my current driver's license isn't too bad--at least I looked a lot younger then!

Driver's license photos are notoriously bad, aren't they? That's probably why every time I've had my photo taken at the DMV, I've first spent a couple hours on hair and make up. You'd think I was a super model or something! But even I have qualms when it comes to fibbing that much about my weight to the DMV. Which raises another little issue. How much can you stretch the truth when it comes to weight? And will the clerks confront you if they think you're lying? Do they get together at lunch and tell stories and laugh about that kind of thing?

See, for the last month and a half, since I got the notice from the DMV, I've been pondering these things and I have no answers. Tomorrow morning I'm heading down to the DMV where I'll probably sit on a hard chair for awhile and then get up and pace around for awhile, until about two hours have passed and they finally take my photo and test my eyesight. By then, my lipstick will have worn off and my hair will be getting limp. My driver's license photo will likely show two red spots on either side of my nose where my reading glasses sat. And I'll probably have the world's largest pimple on my chin where I plucked one of those chin hairs--because with all the high def stuff around these days, I'm figuring they may have high def DMV photos, and I don't want everyone who checks my ID over the course of the next 12 years to see dark chin hairs, so tonight I plucked. Please pray for me that I don't get a chin pimple tonight, okay?

I think I'll take my camera with me. Maybe I'll bargain with the DMV camera person--If he takes a good photo of me for my license, I'll take a good photo of him for my blog. And I'll bargain with the DMV clerk too--I won't post a photo of her and guess her weight on my blog if she doesn't laugh at whatever I decide to put down for my weight. And, gosh darn it! With all the talk about governmental budget crises, why don't they offer to air brush DMV photos for an additional charge? I'd pay, and I bet a lot of other people would too!

And maybe I'd better stop procrastinating and get some sleep. After all, I want to look good for my photo shoot tomorrow. Oh, and I still need to wrap myself in Saran Wrap tonight so I'll be thinner in the morning and the clerk won't laugh. At least not as much. That DOES work, right?


  1. LMAO.... Yes I procrastinate too! I even wait to leave the house when I have to go somewhere until the last second too. Always hoping I don't have to go. :o)

  2. Kim,
    I am with you- I am not sure why I put off decisions and jobs that need to be done- I guess I hope that they will just disappear- I know that once I get started I always feel better that they are done.
    Hope you got lots of beauty sleep and that you are in and out of the DMV before you know it!

  3. lol you are so funny if it was for damn cars Id get a horse and ride everywhere if I could.

  4. You could have made an appointment at DMV and snuck in thru the side door right before your scheduled time. Saves much time rather than sitting on their plastic chairs for a couple of hours.
    PS: I don't eat donuts anymore. Yvonne won't let me!
    Your best bro-in-law

  5. Thank goodness I live in a state where they don't ask you to lie about your weight! I also discovered that when I go to a DMV in a small town, they will take several photos and let you choose the one you prefer. Sadly, every time they take the photo, the picture is of an old lady!

  6. I'm a master procastinator! Love the idea about the air brushing!

  7. So funny, Kim, This is one place where we are different. When those kind of letters come, I go right away and get it done.Usually after I go to the beauty parlor.
    Sure hope all goes well today.

  8. I'm not a procrastinator. Must be from all those years of court reporting and doing transcripts! I was ROFLOLg at the DMV weight issues. I was standing in line a few years back behind a rather "hefty" lady. She stated her weight as 150. The clerk had on those half reading glasses, and just looked up over the top of the glasses for a long time at that lady. The lady finally gave in and said, "Okay, 350." You should have heard the laughter that erupted in that place. When the lady turned to leave she announced to everyone within earshot, "Well, I AM going on a diet soon!" I'll never forget that!

  9. Thank goodness I was able to renew mine over the internet this year - I am good now for another 5 years. I plan to lose weight, tone up, dye my hair and look simply marvelous in 5 years. Wish me luck! Thanks for the laughs this morning, always a good way to start the day.

  10. Sometimes I procrastinate, but it's always for a good reason! NJ recently privatized their DMV so the harried state workers aren't there anymore. Last time I went I got a picture that I really like...for the first time ever! It helps that it doesn't quite look like me....

  11. Too funny! I'm a major procrastinator too. Especially with the DMV - ugh! And the last time I had to go to the DMV with my son, to get his permit, I made my DH go with me because the neighborhood of the nearest DMV is SO SO bad. I agree with your best bro-in-law, though - you should have made an appointment, then you would have to wait less time.

  12. ROFLOL!!!!!!! I hate driver's license photos!! We are like you, we can renew without going in for a couple of times. My photo is several years old now, I had long dark hair and weighed about 30lbs more than I do now. I wrote out a check the other day and they wanted to see my ID, the guy asked me, "Are you sure that is you? You sure look a lot better now!" I think that was a compliment. :~)

  13. Last time I procrastinated about DMV I ended up truly forgetting all about it and discovered 6 months later that I had been driving on an expired license! I can't wait to hear how your adventure goes, LOL!

  14. too funny! I actually "adjusted" the weight on my last renewal form, but they just left the old number in there... somehow it has me at least an inch taller than I am, too. Just checked... mine's good for another 5 years!


  16. I was just thinking about the Saran Wrap trick... let us know if that worked! I do the same thing, DMV pre-photo tryouts: wardrobe, hair, etc. I had never thought about the clerks having a good laugh over lunch about the little lies they hear. Yikes!

  17. We have a new rule for pics on your passport: you're NOT allowed to smile, you have to face the camera AND both your ears must show... Everyone looks like a criminal on those pics. It's just embarrasing to show your ID!
    Luckily these rules only apply for a passport and my driverslicense is valid for another 2 years. ours is valid for 10 years, so a new license and pic ages you a LOT:(

  18. Happy Birthday to you!!!! Now for the DMV picture just think of something real delicious, like that cheesecake and smile!!!

  19. Oh ya this chick is big on procrastination - in fact I think it's my middle name, LOL

    Hugs - karen

  20. oh boy. the CA DMV lived up to all of its lousy expectations when I moved into the state. Then the Hubster and I moved back home to PA and we got everything taken care of in a heartbeat. Ahhhhh... :)

    I know I'm way behind, so hopefully your trip went well!

  21. Too funny, Kim! I'm just happy if I don't look like a convict in my driver's license photo!


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