Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Yarrrr! And Other News

There are some important things in the news that I wanted to share with you. First of all, did you know that today, September 19th, is International Talk Like a Pirate Day? Okay, yes I know it's a weird and odd-ball thing, but what else do you expect from my blog? If you need a few key pirate phrases to bandy about during the course of your conversations today, click on Pirate Talk.

In yesterday's news, I saw we have another World's Oldest Man. This is probably a short-lived title, but the guy is 112 years old, so say "hi" while you can. That seems pretty old to me. I don't think I want to live that long. Of course, when I was younger, I thought I'd be fine with living to be maybe around 65. I don't think so anymore. And maybe when I'm 80, 112 won't look so bad!

Most disconcerting of all the news I read was this one about a woman in Orem, Utah, who was arrested for letting her lawn die and was led away in handcuffs. She's pled not guilty. Why does this scare me, you ask? Here's my yard:

Yes, it's all dead and brown. This is some hair-brained scheme cooked up by my husband and my son. The plan is to dig it all up in October (which is coming up pretty soon!), lay a sprinkler system, and put in a new lawn and landscaping. They think it will be easier if it's dead. My husband's been working diligently all summer at not watering the lawn. My guess is that they won't get around to it, the rains will come, and we'll have nothing but weeds. Thank goodness none of our neighbors are trying to sell their homes! So, anyway, if you don't hear from me for awhile at some point, I'm probably in jail for letting my yard look so crappy. Shiver me timbers!


  1. ARRRRRRH! Nice lawn! Did you want me to bail you out? lol Have a great day!

  2. Ha, our yard looked like that a month ago. We've gotten a tiny bit of rain and I've been watering, so now I just have patches of brown. I want a green lawn! I think between all of your blog buddies, we can break ya out of the big house! ;)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. it IS easier to dig up the lawn if it's dry -- but you have to make sure to do it before the rain starts and gets all the cool-weather weeds to sprout! And if you have California clay soil, you don't want to be working in it when it's wet. Ask me how I know...
    (just call me "lawnless in Oakland"!)

  5. We are in the process of doing the same thing. But the dogs still lay there and then bring in lots of dead grass and dirt. I am looking forward to having a lawn again next year or maybe later this year if we go with sod. Luckily we don't have any neigbors!

  6. Aye, strange things do come out of Orem!

    Avast! Ye best be watching off the starboard deck for the officers. Yer husband may have to hawk yer Sweat Shop booty to keep ye from the gallows.

  7. I'll make sure all your blogger friends contribute and we'll get you out of jail

  8. Where DO you finds these

    Sure we'll bail you out....hehehe

  9. Gosh I need to think about it! HMMMM - I'll have to get back to you on that one. teehee

  10. Now I find this sort of scary. Cap'n Kim may keelhaul me!

    I posted about Talk Like a Pirate Day in my blog. I caught up on Kim's blog this morning before she posted this. I posted my little bit and come to find out, there are some other mateys celebratin' the day as well!

  11. OMG LMAO!!!! I had to share this one with hubby. We were both laughing our butts off at you. You are hysterical I tell you. If you go to jail I'll quickly quilt you up a patchwork jail bird outfit. So don't you worry one bit. You will be one stylin inmate. LOL I'm ther for you.

  12. OH, Kim what you don't come up with. By the way, bloggers , I know that she gets her news off Yahoo. Doesn't read the paper.

    Beautiful lawn, No that house doesn't look anything like I pictured it. LOL. Hope DH and DS can get it dug up. I reccomend they do like my neighbor, use a tiller. Could do it in a day as I doubt you have the rocks that we have. Good luck come spring. Tell them they can rent a tiller for a day.

  13. Arrrr, matey!

    In my ex-neighborhood, that would have been an association fine! I hated that association. We lived there four years, and one day they told me I had an oil drip on the driveway. We parked in the garage. So I went out and measured a - no kidding - quarter-size dark spot on the pavement that wasn't even oil.

    We want after pictures! LOL


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