Thursday, September 20, 2007


The weather has cooled, and we were visited yesterday by the first rain of the season. (Yes, those weeds will sure be having a fun time in our dead front yard!) My daughter called from Lake Tahoe; she was on her way up to Alpine Meadows to see the first snow fall. We rarely get storms this early in the season--normally we get a nice storm about two weeks before Halloween--just in time to drench and blow all the yard decorations away!

With this first rain, my thoughts turned to soups and homemade bread, and with that in mind, I stopped at the grocery store on my way home from work and bought a bunch of convenience food. Contrary, aren't I?! To tell you the truth, when I looked at the packaged and prepared soups, everything that appealed to me seemed quite high in calories and fat, so I bypassed those. And since this hot-soup mood struck while I was at work, I wasn't able to hunt through my cookbooks for a few suitable recipes. But I did buy a tomato basil bisque something-or-other soup and thought it would be mighty tasty on a chilly Autumn evening with a grilled ham and cheese sandwich! (Okay, HALF a sandwich made with low fat butter, low fat cheese, and lean ham--kinda takes all the fun out of it, doesn't it?! Still good though!) So maybe that's dinner tonight.

Somehow, I didn't feel much like quilting. What I really felt like doing was curling up in bed in a pair of warm jammies with a good book, so that's what I did. It had been much too long since I did that. Why? Imponderable, I think! But I always seem to think somewhere at the back of my mind that I need to be productive.

Before I hopped into bed, though, I went looking on the internet for an Autumn poem--complete and total Autumn surrender and immersion here! Boy, won't I be surprised when Indian summer arrives and the temps climb up into the 80s again! But, until that happens, I'm going to enjoy the feeling Autumn brings and I'll share a bit with you.

This is one of the poems I found. It's by Marilyn Lott--I don't know who she is, but I enjoyed her poems--they seemed to invoke images of the season.


There is something about autumn
That brings out such earthiness
Gold leaves adorn bushes and trees
Like an artist with a brilliant brush

Once the leaves dry on the trees
Then the wind begins to blow
It’s a special time of year for me
Because I love autumn so

The cold dry air it seems
Prepares the leaves to fall
Mother Nature’s special time
Yes, it’s the best of all

What a dazzling way to end
The year as winter nears
The way leaves let loose
And drop like nature’s tears

Oh yes, I love those golden days
Dreamy with autumn’s glow
It makes me smile because I do
Love the season of autumn so!

Enjoy the season!


  1. Very nice Autumn poem....good choice. So what are you reading? I love the fall...I think it's my favorite time. I love all the colors.

  2. Darn that Yvonne!!! She beat me!! I'm trying to be KIM and beat everyone to your blog!!!
    Kim, that leaf photo was so pretty. I love soup and homemade bread,Oh and a fire in the fireplace. LOL And about the jammies, I love to curl up in my bed with all my magazines and read. I have a recipe for brocolli cheese soup I'll give you. You can low fat it if you want.

  3. Beautiful poem! Makes me want to light the fireplace, make some hot chocolate, and rake leaves! Well, maybe not all of those! LOL

  4. Lovely poem but what's Fall? Why do you need warm jammies?

  5. Tht Darlene must live in one of those states that doesn't get cold cold. I've even been sleeping under the quilt he last few days, but Oh, we need that rain.

    Kim that poem is just what you need for this change of the season. Our leaves are starting to show a little change. Es[peccially the Dogwood.

    Yumm, tomato soup. How about a cup of Hot Apple cider?


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!