Saturday, July 21, 2007

Paying the Price

It's all well and good to hear voices in your head telling you to go visit quilt shops, but eventually you're going to hear those other little voices telling you to clean up your sewing room and put away all that stuff that insisted on coming home with you from the quilt shop. Today was that day for me.

The day started out just fine with some quilting on the monster quilt, but after a couple hours, I realized I was feeling a little grumpy. When I looked around me, I decided that a major part of that feeling was because I had accumulated "stuff" that needed to be put away.

The Sweat Shop is small, so it doesn't take very much to make it feel messy. My friend Eileen wrote to say that if I'd put things away when I'm done with them, I wouldn't have the problem. Well, that's just not it, because I do. My problem is that space is so limited that every so often I need to do some major reorganizing so that everything fits comfortably.

The photos above and below are the "before" photos.

About eight hours later, I was done. If nothing else, it was a good excuse to get pizza for dinner, and I DID end up with a sewing space that's better organized once again. I've even gone though all my older magazines and taken out the patterns I want to keep--something I started working on about a week ago. There's a woman in my office who is a fairly new quilter and doesn't subscribe to many quilting magazines, so she always appreciates getting my cast offs, and it keeps me from accumulating a lot of magazines that take up space.

Here are photos of various parts of my nice, clean, happy Sweat Shop:

Tomorrow I plan to get back to working on the monster--no grumpiness allowed!


  1. It looks great! I really believe that a disorganized work space breeds grumpiness. I couldn't stand my work space any more and week before last while on my 'vacation' I spent an entire day cleaning and trying to find places to put all the stuff. It's a never ending problem.

  2. It looks nice and clean but where did the Hershey Kisses go????? LOL!!!!!!!!

  3. Looks lovely and tidy now. I've got that same storage system with the wire baskets. Now I want some shelves above just like yours!

  4. Looks good Kim but where did you hide that monster?
    Is the big red thing your other machine? Hope you aren't grumpy this morning now. Have a good day.


  5. Organized is good! That is my slogan for 2007. My, you have a HUGE fabric stash!

  6. Looks good, Kim. I've been on a massive overhaul on my sewing room and it is finally coming together. Yesterday I configured a new cutting table with cabinets underneath. I'm a happy girl! I'll try and get a picture posted after bagels tomorrow.

    I have a little framed quote that says, "It easier to keep up than to catch up." So true, but keeping up is also difficult sometimes!

  7. What a pretty pretty space! Those voices keep telling me to clean up too, but I ignore them. Good job!

  8. Ok, all of this cleaning going on in blogland. It's a conspiracy to get me off my duff and cleaning up my spaces as well. I swear! I have two projects I need to finish then I'll clean...really. Nice job on your space though -- even if it is making me feel like a slug.

  9. Much, much much too tidy. When do you want me over to help mess it up a bit? Hope you have some of that cheese cake left! Oh wait, don't my dh just started the South beach diet and since he cooks.... Oh well! take care

  10. Looks great, I need me some of those wire baskets. Wondered why I liked you so much and now I know, I've got the same brown trunk and lots of teddie bears in my quilting room. Anytime you don't want to clean and organize, I'll take that fabric off your hands and you can keep on sweatin in your shop.


  11. Your Sweat Shop looks grand now, but I thought it looked great before you cleaned it! Love the wire baskets! Someday I'm going to have a huge cutting table with those lovely wire baskets underneath - heavy sigh. Don't you feel the need to mess it up now? LOL!

  12. Marvelous clean up job! I know just exactly what you mean about being able to work in the clutter just "so long" before needing to take care of it all. You have a very nicely organized "sweat shop" - looks like you subscribe to my belief. The smaller the space the more organized it needs to be in order to fit everything in and make room in case (hah!) you want to buy more. (And what are the odds of that NOT happening?)


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!