Sunday, July 22, 2007

It's My BIRTHDAY! (Almost!)

I'm writing this on Sunday evening, and tomorrow's my birthday! Wooo-hooo!

Actually, I'm not a huge birthday celebrant, but I've gotten some special stuff in the mail from friends, and that puts a big smile on my face and makes me want to celebrate!

My dear friend Eileen shares a birthday month with me--her birthday was a week ago. Back in March, I took one of Jo Morton's classes and made the Hattie's Baskets quilt. Eileen offered to hand quilt it for me as a birthday gift. Eileen does really lovely hand quilting, something I don't do, so this was a really special offer. This weekend I received a package from her with the quilt and a couple other birthday goodies--a charm pack and a nail file. Of course, I will always treasure this quilt, and I've never seen Eileen do a more beautiful job of quilting than she did with this. Here are a couple photos of my goodies from Eileen. Once I get the binding on the quilt, I'll try to get a better photo--the lighting just didn't do her quilting justice! Thanks soooo much, Eileen!

My friend Sharon from Red Geranium Cottage sent me a wonderful package of goodies about a week ago. After I wrote about the Susan Branch Summer book, Sharon sent me the Autumn book, which is just an awesome visual treat! I can hardly wait until the weather gets cooler and it really IS Autumn! The quilting book is excellent too, filled with pie recipes and quilts to go with them. She also sent me a winter stitchery, a pad (with my initial on it!), a pendant, and a cookie that's just waaaay to cute to actually eat! Thank you, Sharon--what an incredibly thoughtful friend!

Today my husband went to Costco and came home with a strawberry cheesecake--yum! And the best part is that he says I don't have to wait until my "real" birthday to have a piece.

I think I might take a day off from blogging tomorrow unless I just can't stand to not write! I'm working, though, and we have plans for dinner, so I may be pressed for time. If you don't hear from me, don't worry--I'm just celebrating! I'll tell you all about anything worth telling on Tuesday.


  1. Well, Happy Birthday, Miz Kim!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day.

    The giftees are delightful and your friend's handquilting is beautiful.

    psst - my birthday is later this week. I'm pretty sure I'm older!

  2. Happy Birthday Kim!!! The quilt is gorgeous. All the other goodies are wonderful too! Hope you have a fun day doing something you love.

  3. Happy Birthday Kim! Lucky you to have a quilt quilted by Eileen. She is such a lovely lady, I remember her well, she was my 'Elderberry' back when I belonged to QH. It will definitely be something to treasure.

  4. Happy Birthday, Kim, Nice gifts.Have agreat day.

    Tazzie, I'm glad you remember me. You have reallybeen doing some terrific things. I've been following your blog also.


  5. Happy Birthday-- love the stitching photo-- just beautiful. I gave my Mom the Susan Branch book... the pictures are as neat as the recipes.

  6. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  7. Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    I'm so glad
    to have a friend like you!

    Enjoy your special day!!!

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY FRIEND!!!! Hope you are having a fabulous day today.
    Happy Birthday to you.....
    Happy Birthday tooooo you......
    Happy Birthday Dear Kimmers
    Happy Birthday toooooooo youuuuu.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Hope you have a woderful birthday :)
    Looks like a great quilty one to me

  11. This is my second birthday wish to you. I hope you have a really great dinner & celebration. The quilt that Eileen did for you is beautiful. Even though you think it's not a good picture we can all see the lovely hand quilting. Sounds to me like you are having a great birthday and not even getting any oldeer. LOL!

  12. Happy birthday! Oh, you're spoiled! How wonderful! Your goodies are beautiful. Enjoy your day and evening. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Happy Birthday to Miss Kim! Hope you have a fabulous day!! Please do tell us about it. I'm sure there's a story in there somewhere! LOL

  14. Happy Birthday Kim!!! Oh, a cake from Costco....I remember the days when I could get that....not anymore, sadly. Enjoy a slice for me! :) Enjoy your special day!!! :)

  15. Ah Kim, you get better with age, so you are just starting to shine. Great wishes for you. Enjoy your strawberry cheesecake and dinner with friends. The quilt Eileen did for you is wonderful as I can see her stitching in the picture and the bag of goodies from Sharon, what a gal.


  16. Happy Birthday Kim....hope you have a wonderful day!

  17. Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday to Kimmmmeeeeee,
    Happy Birthday to you.

    OK, day late-dollar short. It's tradition in our family to call and sing to you if it's your birthday...and you're like family (blogfamily, lol) now.


  18. I'm a bit late but happy birthday anyway!

  19. Oh no!!! Life gets busy and I don't call by for coffee for a few days and you have a birthday....bad bad me. Here is me sending you very belated best wishes, I love your blog, and your stories and I am SOOO happy you came on board!! More hugs, even a peck on the cheek!! LOL Tracey


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!