Wednesday, April 22, 2015

What Am I Doing?

I know, I know--it's been a long time.  And as usual, I can't stay and chat right now, but things are going well, and the grandbabies are great!  In fact, we plan to visit the Wild Child and Grandson #1 in the next month.  In the meantime, though, I'm doing this:

And BOY could I use a retreat!  It's been a long time!  Are any of you going, by any chance?  (If any of you semi-locals didn't know about this applique retreat and are interested in attending, I think there are a couple of spots left; or there were the last I heard--click HERE for Kit-n-Kabodle's Facebook page.)

I'll try to be better and tell you about it after we get home--maybe share some photos too!

I hope you're all doing well.  We'll need to settle in for a longer visit soon.  Happy stitching!


Anonymous said...

So happy to read your post -- we all miss you! Have a wonderful time on your retreat and please come back. Florence

Marj said...

Have a great retreat and please post pictures. Also I bet you made some awesome quilts for your Grand Babies! We need to see some of your beautiful show and tell when you get back...

Carol said...

Have fun at your retreat! So nice to hear from you.

Anonymous said...

(i'm gonna comment anonymously so it will go to your mailbox) i was just thinking about you and your grandbabies and how much i miss the inspiration to DO that i always get from you ... and it is good to see that you and yours are doing well ... i hope that you and your Achilles tendon are getting along with each other now and that you have an EXCELLENT time on your Pursuit of Happiness ... by the way, i'm up for a daily (or weekly or even monthly) dose of Vitamin K ... no pressure, though...

Anna said...

nice to hear what you are up too!!! and I am soooo tempted :)

Miss Jean said...

I've been thinking of you and checking your blog daily. I'm glad all is well. If I was still back there I would so go to the retreat!!!!

Sinta Renee said...

I just stopped by yesterday to see where in the heck you have been!
I am glad all things are good in your world. The retreat sounds perfect!
I use to live in Twain Harts and Mi-Wuk Village was just a little past there. Have a great time!

Gloria said...

I'm happy to see that you have posted. I was beginning to be concerned, I've missed your posts. Have fun at your retreat!

Judy in Michigan said...

Oh how I miss your lively posts. Take care and have fun. I'll be here waiting for you...

Miss Jean said...

I hope you had a great time at your retreat. I'd love to see pictures.

obat kuat pria said...
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Anonymous said...
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harada57 said...
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