Tuesday, May 13, 2014

You May Be Wondering . . .

where I've disappeared to, and I can't blame you--it's been awhile again, hasn't it?  After getting a couple emails from readers and bloggy friends last week, I decided to make time over the weekend to post something . . . but, as usual, life got in the way.

Friday night Hubby came home from watching Soccer Son's competitive boys' team play an evening game.  I greeted him as he came in the door around 9:30 p.m., and we chatted for a minute or so before I headed back toward the Sweat Shop.  There was a loud crash, and I hurried back to find Hubby on the living room floor, near the front door, in the walkway that runs between a wooden bookshelf on one side and the couch on the other.  By the moans and groans, it was immediately apparent something was terribly wrong, and so I called 9-1-1.

Long story short(ish), Hubby had a momentary black out, fell, and broke his left leg rather badly.  As yet, we don't know what caused the black out, but his heart beat has been irregular off and on, so the doctors are looking in that direction.  Friday night, the doctors admitted Hubby to the hospital, and finally, after a one-day delay, they did surgery on Sunday, Mother's Day, to place a metal plate in his leg.

If you've read my blog for awhile, you may recall that Hubby has Muscular Dystrophy.  Because the doctors don't want him putting any weight on the broken leg for nine weeks, combined with his baseline muscle difficulties, the plan now is to transfer Hubby to a skilled nursing facility sometime today or tomorrow.  It's my understanding the physicians anticipate he'll stay at the facility, engaging in rehab exercises and such, until he's able to put some weight on that leg again and come home.

Of course, all of this doesn't explain why I hadn't blogged up until this weekend.  It just might help explain why you still won't hear from me much in the future.

So what's my excuse for my past absence from Blogland?  Well, I'm still hard at work getting healthy and fit.  I probably devote as much time to that goal these days as I did to quilting in the past.  But at least I can say I definitely devote more time to quilting NOW than I did to being healthy and fit in the past!  So it's all good, relatively speaking.

How much weight have I lost?  I can't tell you because I don't weigh myself.  I've seen too many people discouraged by the weight loss plans requiring weekly weigh ins.  I can tell you, though, that in August, when I began this particular journey, I wore size 24 pants and a 2X top; now I wear size 14 pants and a large top; so you can see I've done well so far.  And while I don't have a specific end goal in mind just yet, I have a vague idea that perhaps a size 8 pants and a medium top might put me at a good weight and size.

How have I made the change?  First and foremost by watching what I eat.   I try to keep my calorie intake between 1300 and 1600 calories a day.  I eat fruits, veggies and lean proteins with the majority of my grain-type carbs being complex carbs (although I haven't managed to cut out white sugar completely).  Portion size is key.  Hubby and I have found a lot of great recipes from Cooking Light too.

Adding exercise helps burn the calories I DO eat--and have stored over the years.  I still do CrossFit three days a week--sometimes four days, but normally three.  I ride the exercise bike for 40 minutes most evenings--probably five out of seven days a week.  Since January, I've been bowling once a week, although I'm sure the calories from the beer I allow myself more than make up for any calories burned by bowling!  And when I felt like I had stalled out a bit on the weight loss a few weeks ago and was being a little more liberal in my calorie intake, I added a daily two-mile walk to the exercise routine--I now walk during my lunch hour on weekdays.  (When the weather turned warm and I asked to be assigned a locker in the office shower room, I can tell you that felt like a huge milestone.  I would never have imagined before that I'd intentionally want to sweat and take a shower half way though the work day!)

So I feel really good these days, and I like the changes I've made.  Feeling fit and strong is empowering, mentally and physically.  My only regret is that there aren't 26 or 27 hours each day so I'd have more time available for quilting!  In my next post--and I hope to do that in the next few days--I'll show you the couple little things I've actually done lately on the quilting front.  In the meantime, happy stitching and thanks for stopping by to visit!


  1. Sorry to hear about your husband! I am glad you let us know. We do miss you in blog land. You always have great ideas and encourage me to think out of the box! Glad you are doing so well on your exercising and weight loss. Keep it up! Just keep us up to date as you can. We understand. Hope he can make good progress quickly. K-

  2. Sorry to hear about Hubby, but YOU GO GIRL! Those are some awesome achievements! How comes the baking baby? (Do I remember you said Wild Child? Maybe I was wrong! LOL)

  3. dang to hubby and the leg and dang! to the healthy habits!

  4. I'm cheering you on, and could sure use some of the motivation you've been able to find! I'm glad you're going to have help to take care of hubby while he recovers. I return to work tomorrow in the land of orthopaedic plates and screws, 'scopes and suture!

  5. I was just thinking about you this weekend wondering if everything was okay. So sorry to hear about hubby. Hopefully he'll rehab quickly and get home to you. So proud of all you've accomplished with your goal of getting healthy. hats off to you! We have friends whose son and daughter law own a Crossfit by you. Christian and Kathleen Norgaard. Do they own the one you go to?

  6. Good luck with everything, Kim. Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate. Miss you..


  7. Sorry to hear of your DH's fall, hope he gets better soon. Kudos to you for the strength to get yourself healthy. You are an inspiration. Take all the time you need and do what makes you happy and balanced.

  8. Hi Kim! So good to read that you are fine -- so sorry that your husband had such a terrible fall. How frightening for you! Tell him that all your friends in blogland are wishing him well -- soon! We all miss you! Florence

  9. Hope your hubby will be well soon and can come home rather sooner.
    And wow you done really well with your weight and health, congrats:-)

  10. Sorry to hear about Hubbys fall -- so glad to hear about your weight loss that is awesome! You take care of yourself :)

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about your hubby Kim. I hope and pray he heals quickly and gets home to you soon. Congrats on the weight loss that is awesome!!!

  12. I remember what it is like to worry about a husband's health and wellbeing, Kim. You and he will be in my prayers.

    VERY exciting about your body work! Congratulations, GF.

  13. Oh, dear! I'm so sorry about your husband. Since my husband's stroke he has fallen numerous times but not broken anything, thank goodness. I know first hand the toll it takes, so take good care of yourself. Keep us posted on his progress. Hugs!

  14. Sending positive thoughts and prayers to your husband - hope he recovers soon. As far as YOUR health goes - YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!! I'm thrilled to hear how far you've come - take good care of yourself and your hubs!

    Cindy in SC

  15. I am so sorry to hear about your hubby's injury but I am thrilled to hear your progress in getting healthier. So while you may not get much quilting in, still sitting here on the sidelines cheering you on big time!

  16. Yo Kim,
    Congrats on your weight loss and thanks for posting that you are okay. Prayers for hubby and his speedy recovery from the broken leg surgery.

  17. So sorry to hear about your husband. Hope he has a healthy speedy recovery. Congrats on the weight loss! I am so proud of all you've accomplished. I started at a size 14-16 and have gotten down to an 8-10 and feel very comfortable at this weight. I can't imagine going back, so I work hard to maintain this weight. Weighing every day has been essential to my weight loss. I monitor what I eat and walk at both my morning and afternoon breaks. It's so nice to get out and walk around the building. Hope you get some quilting time soon.

  18. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. Hope for a speedy recovery for it. You are doing great on your Quest for Health. Awesome job! I need to get on the bandwagon. It's a tough one to get started.

  19. Best wishes for a speedy recovery for your husband and kudos to you for all your hard work to get healthy and fit.

  20. Here's hoping your hubby is back home soon. Congratulations on getting healthy and trim. Way to go!!

  21. Thinking good thoughts for the hubby and you! And you rock! Such nice results from your hard work!!

  22. Wonderful progress with your healthier life. Hope your hubby recovers quickly.

  23. Hi!!! I hope hubby recovers quickly and Way to go to you!!!! That is wonderful!!!

  24. Kim, I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's fall. I pray he heals quickly. Good for you taking care of your health. Keep up the great work.

  25. Sorry to hear about your husband. Hope that he heals quickly. And good work on getting fit and trim. Sounds like you are doing well on that front. Keep up with the good work.

  26. Kim- what a journey you are on these days- it sounds like you are enjoying the health changes brought about by your hard work. I am sure people are telling you how terrific you are looking these days.
    Was so sorry to hear about your husband's fall- Hope that they are able to get to the bottom of his health issues. Wishing you both a wonderful fun summer.

  27. Kim, I have always enjoyed your blog & am so excited on your new you!! You do beautiful quilts & inspire me so.

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