Sunday, April 20, 2014

Where Does Time Go?

I've had a couple emails from blog friends lately, wondering if I'm okay since it's been awhile since I last posted.  Yes, it certainly has!  And I really don't have much of an excuse--or reason--for not writing other than not having enough time to do everything I want to do and the need to prioritize.

I'm continuing on with the diet and exercise program, and I've been meaning to write to tell you how that's going--maybe I'll do that this week.  Work's been going along nicely . . . or at least as nicely as work CAN, but I'd rather stay home and play of course!   And on the quilting front, as I mentioned to a shop owner recently, I seem to be spending a lot more time BUYING quilting supplies than I'm spending on the actual sewing.  (She was fairly happy to hear that, although I'd sure like to be able to spend more quality time in the Sweat Shop!)

BUT, I have been doing a couple little things, like the two Country Homecoming house blocks for this month . . . although I'm late doing those too.  I told our group that I planned to post yesterday, but once again, time got away from me.  Still, better late than never, right?  And there were a couple other participants who were lagging a bit too, so I'm not alone.

First up are Imelda's houses.  I like the way she switched up the fabrics for the top sections (eves?) on the fronts of the houses.  Cute idea to dress them up a little more!

Next are Sharyn's two houses.  Both are lovely.  Last month her houses looked like Halloween and Christmas; if I had to put a month or season to these, I'd say maybe August for the beachy tans of the first one and July for the reds and blues in the second.

Next are Tina's two houses.  I see a little bit of a similar color theme here between hers and Sheryn's houses, since Tina has the red in the first and the more neutral, beachy colors in the second  Lovely!

And here are mine.  My colors are a little brighter than Sheryn's and Tina's.  For the second house, I originally had lighter colored doors and shutters, but they didn't seem to go well, so I had to replace them.  And I think I might need to add a window box or something to the first house--that one window on the bottom looks a little blank and boring.

Now, let me give you links to two other house-builders, Nancie Anne and Tanya.  Both of them have displayed their houses beautiful on their blogs.  Tanya has also posted some great quilted pouches for Secretaries' Day gifts--love those!  Too bad my boss doesn't sew.  One of Nancie Anne's houses has a nice double window that I might need to copy soon.  AND she's posted a display of the whole neighborhood so far--it's fun to see how we're doing now that we've hit the half-way point in our house construction.

I hope you're all enjoying a happy Easter.  I'll try to get back soon and post again.  Thanks for visiting!


  1. Great houses! When you figure out where time goes, let me know! I seem to have lost a bunch lately. ;-) Have a happy week!

  2. I got the double arched window idea from photo of a cute old house I saw the other day...don't recall whether I spotted it on TV or Pinterest!
    I love the faces that have appeared on some of the houses I see here!

  3. Love the houses! I was beginning to wonder where you had been. Glad you posted today. We do miss hearing from you even if it is just about work and exercise it is still nice to know you are okay. I know i have been busy with softball and baseball for our kids so sewing had been on the back burner. But I have had a bit more time lately. I hope you do too! K-

  4. Hoping you are just super busy enjoying life. Miss your posts!

  5. Ok I can't stand it any longer. This exercise thing is too much! Hope you are well. Miss your blogging. Janet

  6. ENOUGH! Where are you?

  7. Three weeks is REALLY long! How about just one line to tell us you are okay. Now we are all just worried about you. Florence

  8. I hope all's well with you. I miss reading your blog.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!