Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Windy City

The next Globetrotting block was announced today, and the city it represents is CHICAGO!  I've never been to Chicago, but knowing it's referred to as the Windy City, I thought about swirling fabric.  I also knew Chicago was on the shores of Lake Michigan, so blue came to mind.  And now that I've read up a little bit on the Windy City, I've learned its nickname may be attributed to politics rather than nature, so perhaps Chicago fits better than expected into my red, white and blue theme!

This was a quick and easy block to make--as evidenced by the fact that I selected fabrics, cut, and stitched it together in about an hour and a half.  Here it is--

I think it will look well with the other two blocks I showed yesterday--

For size and layout reference, "Chicago" is the same size as "Venice"--the blocks, not the cities!--and while Venice is in close to the position it will occupy in the finished quilt, Chicago will go on the top row, with the two blocks separated by a corner block.

The weekend is here and I plan to spend at least some of it in the Sweat Shop.  I'll be sure to let you know what I work on.  Happy stitching! 

1 comment:

  1. The swirling fabric is perfect for Chicago. It's nickname may refer to politics, but it certainly describes the weather too. The winds off of the lake can be brutal!! I look forward to your rendition of each block.


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