Sunday, March 2, 2014

Scrap Basket Sunday

Are you working on something scrappy today?  If so, please link up below so we can visit your blog and see what you're working on!


  1. I joined your Sunday stash linky party! I am working on using my scraps this year and learning to be a "scrappy quilter" instead of so structured and organized! Looking forward to alot of fun and inspiration from the "party"!

  2. I'm porgress, probably need a few more weeks to get the top done. I liked hearing about your trip to the quilt show. There is one near me next week that I'm going to try to get to.

  3. Here is my version of A Tisket A tasket:

    And the sugary quilt is "Princess Tea Party" by Verna Mosquera!

    Mary (if that link doesnt work, let me know and i will email you the pic!)


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!