Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Country Homecoming

Thanks for all of your kind comments on my Jersey Rose quilt.  Did you click over to the parade on Sinta's and Sherri's blogs?  It was so interesting to see all the different quilts!  It's a very simple pattern, but there was a great deal of variety in color placement, sashing treatment, etc.  Looking at the different outcomes is a good lesson for us--with all the quilts together in one place, we can see how the fabrics we pick and the little changes we make lead to such different end results.  I love the parades for that very reason!

I wanted to let you know that I'm putting together a group of bloggers and "no-bloggers" who are interested in making the Country Homecoming quilt.  You may remember I talked about it HERE.  We're planning to make and show our first two blocks by mid-February, but it's not too late to join if you're interested.  Would you like to join us?  And speaking of how different quilts can look . . . .  Well, here's Anna's quilt that I showed you before:

And here's one I played around with and showed awhile back:

I had decided I wanted a brighter, more contemporary version, but then after I got started, I decided I didn't like where I was going with the four house blocks I'd made, so I just made a small quilt with them and thought I'd make a "country homespun" version at some other time.  Well, now is the time, so I've assembled a bunch of plaids and such, and I'm about ready to start.  My point, though, is that if homespun isn't your style, you can still join us and make one with fabric you like better.  The pattern is in this book:

If you think you might like to join us, please email me and I'll add you to the list and answer any questions you might have.  And if you want to make the quilt but aren't ready to commit now?  Think about it a little.  You can join later and catch up fairly quickly because the blocks are fast(ish) and our goal is only two a month for six months, followed by two months to complete the border.

It'll be fun.  You'll see!


  1. I guess it's really official now! I'd better get those plaids out and start deciding which ones look like housemates!

  2. I'll join (again). This quilt I started with another group and ran out of steam when it came time for the applique. But, I really, really want to finish because it is a beautiful quilt.

  3. This looks like fun, but I don't have the book. Can I just do house blocks with you?


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!