Thursday, February 6, 2014

A Day Late . . .

I believe the saying is "a day late, and a dollar short."  But in my case, I'm a day late, and I have many fewer dollars as the result of joining yet another . . . perhaps one too many?! . . . quilt-a-long.

When I asked you, my extremely knowledgeable readers, about any BOM-type projects you had found, a couple days after my initial inquiry--and my commitment to two of them--Janet brought another one to my attention--Happy Quilting's Star Light, Star Bright project.  And when I looked, I knew I was doomed!  For one thing, I've always been a sucker for stars.  And for another thing, this is a fairly quick project in that it doesn't extend for a whole year--we are supposed to finish by April 2nd.  And there's a third thing I'll tell you about, but first, here's a picture of the quilt idea.

So the third thing . . . the thing that really hooked me . . . is that this is a quilt that can be made several different finished sizes using several different block sizes.  You can make it with anywhere from 1 block to 16!  For mine, I thought I'd like a finished size around 72", so I decided to make 16 blocks, which requires 16 fat quarters plus several yards of background fabric.  (I'm mostly using fabrics from my stash except the background fabric, and THAT's why I'm many dollars poorer!)

Each Wednesday, that week's assignment is given, and for the first week, we were to cut our fabrics.  Those of us who posted a photo of our cut fabrics by the end of the day Tuesday would be entered to win a prize in a random drawing.  I finished on Wednesday--of course!  A day late, and already behind at the start of the quilt-a-long!  So no prize opportunity for me--not this week.  But I thought I'd show you my pile of fabrics anyway.

My background fabric is the grunge black, and the other fabrics are the bright pastels.  I wavered a little before cutting the black, thinking maybe I should go with the safer choice of white, but I'm going to stick to my original thought and see where it leads.  Besides, I didn't have enough white fabric in my stash and I didn't want to get even FURTHER behind by having to go to a quilt shop or order more on line.

Are any of you doing this one?  If so, what size and number of blocks did you chose?  By the way, if you hadn't seen this one before, it's not too late to join.  This week, we'll be making flying geese.  I guess I should get busy!


  1. I love joining Melissa's quilt alongs. They are easy and short term and you can usually squeeze it in to your project list! I am making the 16 inch block and making 12 blocks. I have started to sew my flying geese!

  2. OOh that's tempting, I know I'm going to enjoy watching your progress! I like your fabric choices.

  3. Melissa hosts THE BEST quilt alongs! I did her last one (and I used black for my background!)

  4. I love your fabric choices!! The black with all of those bright colors is just going to be stunning!! Way to get all of that cutting done. That is a a ton for a 16 block quilt ;) Have fun with the flying geese :)

  5. While that quilt caught my eye, I have to pass on the joining. Too many project "to dos" floating around in my head. But YOUR quilt??! It's going to be stunning with the softer looking black and the brights. Oh yum! I can't wait to see your blocks come to life.

  6. Hi! Yes, Melissas QAL's are fab! I am doing this one also in the 3x3 layout. So fun. I live in Placerville.....are you farther North?

  7. You so had me until you said "flying geese." You KNOW how I hate flying geese -- but I"m going to Melissa's blog to look at the project anyway!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!