Monday, January 27, 2014

What Happened?!

Saturday night I wrote a post that included sign ups for Scrap Basket Sunday, and when I went to write tonight's post, I realized it never posted.  I'd "scheduled" it to post a few hours after I wrote it and never checked back.  ARGH!  So I've manually posted it now and you'll find it below this one.

Since I wrote yesterday's post, I pin basted the Pie in the Sky quilt top--

If you've followed my blog for awhile, you'll know this was made with scraps from my scrap bin over the course of the last many months.  Now I'm ready to start quilting it!  How about you?  Did you play with scraps?  If so, please link up below.  Thanks for your patience!


  1. I really like your quilt! I made that pattern also and had a ball using my scraps. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Kim, love your scrap basket project! I plan to begin one but haven't chosen a pattern for it yet. I wonder, do you have a suggestion on how to deal with "kits" collected over the years. Some quilt shop kitted and some I just put together myself. While I still like the fabrics I'm usually wanting to start something different instead. I would just shelf the fabric but some of them have smaller pieces so I'm torn between separating the fabrics.. or keeping them together as a "kit"... which takes up a lot more space and continues to get passed over. What do you do? Any suggestions on how to organize this type of fabric so it'll actually get used in a quilt someday? :-) I love how organized you are!

  3. You are so lucky you have somewhere great to pin baste your quilt. It's going to be so fabulous when you are finished. Please email me the pdf for the heart table runner! I want to share it with some friends. Enjoy the sunshine. It's 19 degrees here!!!

  4. I also use two tables together and clamps to pin baste my quilts. I just pinned one this weekend also. Hope to get it quilted soon so I can move on to another project.
    Love your quilts and love your blog.

  5. oh those computers. this said as have occasionally wanted to stomp mine! The scrap quilt is amazing and shows what can come out of all the left overs!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!