Wednesday, January 29, 2014

No News is . . . Just No News

Hi all!  You may have noticed I haven't posted anything for a couple of days.  Why?  Well, I've just been working on a Schnibbles quilt project and I haven't had much to show or write about just yet.

I did do something non-quilty last night that was totally awesome though.  I'm a Dr. Who fan and I was watching a three-episode "marathon" while I was sewing.  I still needed to ride my exercise bike, but that meant missing one of the three episodes, staying up super late, or skipping the exercise.  What to do?  Well, I remembered that as an Amazon Prime member, I have access to TV shows and movies on my Kindle, so I checked and sure enough--I could watch the same show on my Kindle while riding my bike.  And better still?  I had purchased some ear buds a couple months ago, so I tried those out while watching Dr. Who, and it was an excellent experience!  It was like being in a surround sound theater or entertainment room, and even viewing on the small screen wasn't a problem at all.  Boy did my 40 minutes on the exercise bike fly by!  Soon the show was over and I'd put in OVER 40 minutes.

I was looking forward to similar experience tonight, but my knee hurt at CrossFit and then my shoulder and hand hurt at bowling, and by the time I got home, I'd sworn off exercise for the rest of my life.  Or at least tonight.  So I sewed a little, took a bath, and thought I'd check in with you.

At work, we're gearing up for a trial, and I anticipate some overtime work will be coming along soon.  That means I'll probably be a little sporadic in my blog posting again, but I'll try to keep up with posting at least a couple times a week, and definitely for Scrap Basket Sunday.  I haven't started quilting my Pie in the Sky quilt yet, but that's next on my "to do" list after I finish my current project.  How about you?  What are you working on?

Thanks for stopping by to chat!  "See" you again soon!


  1. What a great treat to find you can use your Kindle while exercising. Sorry you have some aches and pains going on. Glad you are hanging in there. You go girl!

  2. Sorry about all of your pain but maybe you just need to ease up a little. Have really enjoyed reading your blog and seeing what you've been sewing. Feel better!

  3. You are really keeping busy! I don't comment often but read every time you post. My 8 year old and I are going to work on a lap quilt for her this weekend. She's going to do all the sewing. Her first attempt was awesome so we're going to keep that good feeling going. I'm working on a quilt for my husband, a fun wall-hanging for my dining room, some scrappy string blocks and a few more projects in there. :)


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!