Friday, January 3, 2014

Is It Pie Yet?

The project I spent much of New Year's Day working on is the scrappy Pie in the Sky project.  And by the end of the day, I got the quilt top done!

Well, maybe.

The problem is that now I have the top put together as I'd planned - eight rows by eight columns - and I laid it on my bed to take a photo, I thought maybe I'd like to make it just a little larger so it would fit my king size bed rather than the double bed in the spare bedroom.  Yes, I think it's long enough, but it's not quite wide enough.  Another row should do it . . . and maybe an extra border of 2" squares all around.  Yes, I probably DO have enough of those pesky 2" squares cut, but I only have one extra block made, so I need to make seven more to complete the extra row.

I think I'll fold it up and set it aside while I think about it a little.

But I think I probably WILL make seven more blocks.  What would you do?


  1. Your quilt is a scrappy piece of wonderful. I love it! Make the extra row - you won't regret it. Thanks for sharing

  2. ha ha ha!!! are you James Earl Jones or are you Malcolm McDowell?!? i love those two guys in the Sprint (?) commercials...

    i probably won't...
    but i might...

    ha ha ha!!! anywho, i think that i wouldn't ... but i'm lazy...

  3. I'd go for the king ... you can always use it without a sham on the double! That is a happy happy quilt!

  4. I would take it right back off of the quilt rack and put in somewhere in the way and make 7 more blocks as soon as possible and finish it or in my world it would become a forever UFO and it is far to pretty for that

  5. Looks like you need another ScrapBasket Sunday to make 7 more of those beauties!! It's looking great and I've enjoyed watching you sew it this year :-)

  6. You are so close....make the other blocks. You won't regret it, and you will if you don't. Great quilt!

    Pam in Music City

  7. It is wonderful, you won't regret the fact, you will probably smile every time you see it on your bed! I say go for it!!

  8. It's awesome! I would definitely make the 7 blocks!

  9. Your quilt top is lovely. I would go for the 7 extra blocks and enjoy this on the larger bed. Happy quilting.

  10. I say go big or go home! You are SO close! Only 7 blocks! In the words of the Godfathers Piazza guy... 'Do it'!

  11. First....I'm thinking....SHE'S BACK!!! 7 posts in 7 days. How I've missed you! I understand the MIA, but my mornings are just missing something without your posts! And I agree with Patty...get that OFF the rack and on to your to-do list. Add that row and finish it off king size so you can admire it daily!

  12. I wouldn't put it away till you decide what you want to do. It can too easily become a UFO. I know, I've done it over and over again.

  13. I'd lay it out on your king size bed and see if it needs more blocks or just a couple borders.

  14. It looks wonderful and truly you know best for the size. It will be a labor of love and I'm sure since you've been working on for a while will be happy when it's ready to quilt.
    IMHO, Your plan of another row and perhaps another row of those squares around the edge would finish it up beautifully.

  15. could send it to me. I would definitely make the extra row of blocks, then hand quilt the beautiful thing...whatdayathink?


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!