Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Gift for Soccer Son and His Lovely Wife . . .

I thought you'd enjoy seeing what Hubby made for Soccer Son and His Lovely Wife for Christmas.  Truth to tell, Hubby tried to make it for them LAST Christmas . . . or maybe it was the Christmas before.  But life got in the way, as it often does when we create things, and the project was postponed a few times.

It all started some years ago, when I recovered an old wooden drum-type footstool with wool.  That was okay for awhile, but Hubby decided to redo the stool completely.  Well, that got him thinking . . . and before long, he made a couple of footstools for friends.  Then he thought it would be fun to make footstools with "hidden" compartments, and that idea led to the idea that the compartments didn't have to be hidden.  And, perhaps, dreams of Hobbits influenced his designs.  In any event, soon he began plans for a footstool with a door in the base that opened.


I call it the toadstool.

The inside is an open space, but for some reason, the shine and reflection from the flash makes it look like there's a pole in the center.  And on the back wall, Hubby included a photo, but I'm not sure what it is or why.

Most importantly, perhaps, there's a handy bottle opener on the side . . . presumably for those occasions when it's just too much trouble to get up and go into the kitchen to open a bottle of soda or beer.  And on the back wall on the outside, there's a small, square stained glass piece for decoration, but I didn't get a good photo of it.

Now that this project is done, I wonder what he'll dream up next?  Stay tuned . . . .


  1. Lots of creativity going on here! It looks great!!

  2. That is just beautiful! We quilters who also have creative husbands are doubly blessed! Happy New Year, Kim! Florence

  3. what an awesome 'shroom - i lurve the Shire-ness of it... Mr. BQA has made another Power-ful creation ... and the rest of the World is AMAZED!!!

  4. What an awesome toadstool!!! And the bottle opener is the best.....thanks for sharing. Kudos to hubby!

  5. Tell your husband he's one clever gent.

  6. wow...the stool is amazing! If you covered it with red wool and big white dots you'd have a giant toadstool?! LOL

    PS...I am so glad you are back to posting, I think you can still post and workout like crazy, :)

  7. Oh that is too cool! I think I want one!


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