Thursday, September 19, 2013

Another Scrappy Quilt

Thank you all for the suggestions for filling my Halloween/Fall jars.  When I was in the dollar store, I also found a bag of those big, orange cheese puffs.  Perfect for something at least vaguely "Halloween-y."  Of course, those are something I WOULD eat, except I wouldn't eat them when I first got them into a jar, and by the time I'd be tempted, they'd be pretty stale, so it seemed like something I could take a chance on.  I was also at Trader Joe's and found a couple bags of inexpensive sunflower seeds that were darker than average--another good option.  Of course, I also purchased a few of the things you all suggested, and my friend Missy suggested black beans, so I have those too.  Now I just need to find time to fill those jars!

In the meantime, Susan sent me a photo of her scrappy project to share:

Nice, Susan!  Thanks for sharing.


  1. I was quite surprised to see my quilt on your blog post today! The quilt will be for my sister when it is finished. I wish I could forward this blog post to her, but unfortunately she does not own a computer or know how to turn one on. She doesn't know what she is missing. I can't imagine being without the Internet!?! Hoping to start my own blog one day!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!