Sunday, May 26, 2013

Show and Tell

Let me show you my four newest scrappy blocks--these are for the Pie in the Sky quilt pattern by Kim Diehl.

I think my patriotic mood is showing through on these blocks.  By the way, you probably can't see it very well, but the red fabric in the lower right block is the same as I used in the little star tabletopper I just finished, and those dark blobs are actually little blackbirds wearing Uncle Sam top hats.  It's an old Debbie Mum fabric I've been hording just about as long as I've been quilting!

Now, get your grill hot for the barbecue because it's time for all of us to come visit you to see what scrappy project you've been working on!


  1. Another fun set of blocks. It's funny because as you were describing the red fabric, I was thinking, "blackbirds? Uncle Sams hats? sounds like a Debbie Mumm." And it was. Have a great holiday!

  2. I have several Debbie Mumm scraps, too.

    Your blocks are looking pretty!

    Have a great Memorial Day!

  3. I am enjoying seeing your pile of these blocks grow Kim :-)

  4. Great blocks! They are going to make a wonderful quilt.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!