Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day!

Here it is--the official start to summer!  Break out the white shoes, ladies, because it's finally proper to wear them again.  Okay, seriously, how many people do you think still follow that "rule"?  I'm not sure I really understand fashion anymore anyway.  My friends who closely monitor the trends tell me that being too "matchy-matchy" by doing things like wearing shoes and carrying a bag that match or even wearing shoes that match one's clothing are no nos.  But you can't clash, of course.  You'd think that being able to chose several different elements that go together but aren't the same would be second nature to quilters, wouldn't you?  Well, maybe it is.  But I find it's much simpler to dress in black slacks and shoes and a top of some color--any color really, because everything goes with black--and head out the door to the office.  Not having to make many decisions on weekday mornings allows me to sleep a little bit later.

But I digress.

What I really wanted to do on this holiday is have a little giveaway.  I have another Schnibbles pattern that looks quite patriotic and summery in the fabrics shown on the cover, so I thought it would be a good one to share with some lucky winner.  It's called Recess.

If you'd like an opportunity to win, tell me what you've been doing on this Memorial Day weekend, and I'll put you into the drawing.  I'll draw a winner Tuesday night and announce the winner on my Wednesday blog post.  Good luck!


  1. Painting the garage door!! It's a Bank Holiday in the UK. Bev.

  2. I will be at the pay the bills job - swamped with work and most likely staying late. Holidays are busy days for my employer.

  3. I will be working on my Double Wedding Ring quilt!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. Playing with my grandson's. Holiday's are always family time at our household.

  5. I will be helping out with a luncheon at our Vet's Club, doing a little stitching on a July 4th project and maybe some more gardening. Enjoy the holiday!

  6. Planting some flowers now that the frost is over in Michigan!n

  7. Hubby and I hav emostly just benn hanging out at the house. We had a cookout for dinner last night and are going to see a movie this morning.

  8. Thanks for a chance to win this give away. This weekend I am a happy quilter. I finally figured out what was causing my frame/machine woes. These have been going on for yrs. I am now quilting with Isacord thread and no more woes. Well only operator error ones anyway. LOL It's a great time in this neighborhood. 8-)

  9. What a fun little patriotic quilt! After a morning of sewing and quilting, I'm getting together with family for a picnic. Ann in PA

  10. I have been sewing on something for ME! A jelly roll quilt with lots of white and open spaces for quilting.

  11. I'm making a #2 baby boy quilt, it's on the design wall now. After this top is finished just 1 more to go. Then I'll put them altogether and quilt them. I started making 1 girl and 1 boy quilt, when I had those tops finished I found out I needed 3 baby boy quilts. Back to sewing. Have a wonderful Memorial Day!

  12. what HAVE i done this weekend?!?

    did a bunch of errand running ... took flowers to the cemetery ... made five paper-pieced blocks for the calendar quilt ... made OSSS BOM blocks and put them together ... pulled weeds ... mowed and trimmed ... ran more errands ... pulled more weeds ... cleaned my bathroom floor with Zap (which has fuzzied up my head, lemmetellya) ... cooked and ate several meals ... wrote two blog posts ... watered the garden four times ... and this morning i'm gonna go see the new Star Trek movie ... then go to Target ... and then make some more paper-pieced blocks ... and maybe i'll cook with fire cuz the fun just keeps on coming!!!

  13. It's a beautiful day but, I'll be quilting a quilt in the basement. Got to get it done before the blue quilting lines disappear. They're fading fast! Hope to get outside later and get some yard work done, too.

  14. I finished my Bee In My Bonnet Row Along Quilt. Feels good to have a finish : )

  15. Since we prepped yesterday for guests for a cookout that was postponed until today, I have the food ready, the house clean and can relax today and just enjoy. Hope you have a lovely day as well.

  16. I will be working on the two BOMs I have started, trying to catch up. I finished most of one April block last might and have the May blocks to cut out. It is supposed to be cloudy and rain today, so no barb-b-que for me!

    Sandy A

  17. I have had all three grandkids over the weekend and a barbecue on Saturday. Today is my day. t's cold and rainy here so it's an inside day. Probably cleaning, sewing and reading.

  18. We went to a fantastic wine event and then have been doing absolutely nothing ever since.

  19. It has been a busy week-end for us. A graduation party on Saturday, friends visiting on Sunday and today a cookout with the kids and grandkids. :) By tomorrow I will need a good rest!
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

  20. I'll be helping my brother and his 2 sons empty out our mother's home this weekend. Thanks for the chance to win the pattern.
    cindy cke49 at yahoo dot com

  21. for us, grandkids have come to visit. so it's walks, rides on scooters, and lots of age appropriate movies -- when we can pry them away from their ipad minis that is!

  22. I am quilting the last border on a quilt for my great niece. She will be a year old in early June and I will have the quilt finished!


  23. Going to graduation parties, visiting the graves of loved ones and hopefully a little sewing. Thanks for the chance to win.

  24. Actually it is very quiet here today. We got together with our kids and grandkids on Saturday. Hubby is playing pickleball as it is too rainy to golf. I'm catching up on blog reading. When I finish I'll shower, get dressed, and head to the sewing room to finish swap blocks and do some "Scrap Basket Monday" sewing. :-)

    I'd love to win the pattern!

  25. Well, so far today, I have piddled on the computer. Hubby is napping and all our furbabies are asleep. Later I hope to get some sewing in or maybe work on some hexies. Can't be outside today. We have been having storms. Had lots a rain, some wind and a little hail. A good day to chill inside. I love this pattern. Have a good Memorial Day.

  26. Love this pattern! Had son and family over yesterday for swimming and cooked burgers outside. Cleaned in sewing room this morning. Having friends over this afternoon for another cook out, and maybe I'll get some hexie stitching in while we visit.

  27. Besides remembering and appreciating those who've gone before us in the cause of liberty and freedom, I'm putting my winter clothes in the guest room and breaking out the sleeveless tops and dresses. I do not own white shoes and think they should be banned--they always draw the eye and who needs people looking at your feet?? Besides, white makes things look bigger and besides my rear end, who wants clown feet?? BTW, since I was brought up to dress matchy-matchy, this 'old dog' is having trouble learning the new ways. One trick I use though is 'complimentary colors', i.e., wearing a blue outfit? use yellow shoes or bag.

  28. Holiday, schmoliday. Rain, thunder BAH. Not picnicking, sitting at a ball game, or even grilling. That leaves me quilting!! My favorite way to spend any weekend.

  29. Shopping, cooking, sewing, stitching, reading~ not necessarily in that order. We (mostly me) decided a nice relaxing stay home weekend was needed. ;-) Thanks for the chance!

  30. I attended a Memorial Day service in our little town, planted flowers at my father's grave and had a cookout. The weather was rainy until yesterday. We even had some snow on Saturday night!

  31. Thanks for the great give-away. I worked today because I live in Canada. But last weekend here in Newfoundland we celebrated Victoria Day and I spent the rainy day reading blogs and doing laundry!

  32. We are relaxing and enjoying the day...I'm reading quilting patterns on the deck, after hanging out sheets in the wonderful sunshine. Husband has the flag hanging and puttering around repairing a lawn mower for a friend! Fun for him!
    Thanks for the give-away! Love red white and blue.

  33. We are having a relaxing day. I'm recovering from surgery to fix my broken hand, so no sewing for a while. Would love to win this Schnibble to add to my to-do list when I'm healed.

  34. I will be binding my first quilt and doing some laundry.

  35. I helped DH by mowing part of the yard (we have over 3 acres to mow) I pulled weeds in my flower beds, and front hedge, put down new mulch, stacked wood into the wood shed, and laundry. Today we removed sod for a swimming pool, then it started to rain. I am ready to sew finally.

  36. Funny thing...I wore white shoes today! I am from the deep South where the "rule" is that you can't wear white shoes after Labor Day, and its not until after Easter that you can wear white shoes, again. It was different when I moved to PA.

    My Memorial Day has been spent thinking if those, of course, that died for our freedom. I have many relatives that have served in the military and fought in wars.
    I also have been working in my flower beds planting flowers and doing a little decorating, such as moving a old, broken sewing machine to another flower bed that I would like to make look quilty.

    I love the pattern, and I would love to win! I hope you had a great Memorial Day!

  37. My DH and I were suppose to attend the Iris Festival in Keizer, OR with friends but it's been raining so much we decided to visit on another (drier) day. So what does a quilter do are a rainy day? Yes, she sews. Back I go to the sewing machine.....
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  38. I ran a half marathon in honor of Oklahoma's fallen soldiers, survived five house showings, and taught my son to climb a tree this weekend. Pretty good for three days!

  39. Having a barbecue with family & visiting the cemetary.

  40. Adult son came over for a cookout last night. Mostly I've been working on finishing a quilt...

  41. Recess sounds positively perfect for a teacher to win!! I worked on grades, worked in my classroom, went to a retirement luncheon, cooked and had the kids and Grandkids for lunch today. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  42. Spent almost the entire weekend sewing. Hubby has been traveling through Europe the past six weeks and this is my last weekend alone! Love the pattern.

    Claudine (

  43. I spent the day with my hubby having lunch and buying a few flowers for my flower pots. I did a little stitching too.

  44. Well, this weekend we went to a couple of new to me quilt shops and fell in love with one of them, then we went to the "Bass Pro Shops" and finally hit some flea markets. Thanks for the chance to win "Recess" after this full weekend I feel like I need a "Recess";)

  45. I have been enjoying my new grand daughter! She is a little doll!

  46. I took my boys to a birthday party on Sunday and on Monday I worked. No long weekend here in Australia!

  47. I did some gardening, fabric buying, and then Quilt Guild in the evening!

  48. Worked on a t-shirt quilt for my grandson's promotion. My daughter saved shirts from pre-school to sixth grade as well as team shirts & special trip shirts.
    when done it will be twin size, speaking of done I have only one more day to get it all together, yikes!
    I also did a little yard work to get out in the sunshine & a little rain that we had over this way.

  49. Our oldest graduated high school pin Saturday. We camped in the POURING rain all weekend. Celebrated her 18th b-day on Sunday and Monday was mine! I basted a quilt to get done! Busy busy busy!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!