Thursday, May 2, 2013

Herding Cats

I think I'm going to have to trade in my cats for dogs.  My cats just don't cooperate in photo shoots the way Carol's Buster does--even Betty is much better than my Mr. Stitch and Ms. Spike.

Did you see the parade of Hat Trick Schnibbles on Sinta's and Sherri's blogs on May 1st?  It's always so much fun to see what other people make, because a different fabric line or different color placement changes the look of the whole quilt--it's a very interesting little lesson to take in each month.  I always see several quilts that make me think, "Why didn't I think of THAT?!"

In May, the group will be making the Gentle Art Schnibbles quilt--it's spools.  It's not too late to join in if you're interested.  Just email Sinta or Sherri and tell them you'd like to join and then, if you don't have the pattern, you can pop over to Miss Rosie's online shop and purchase a PDF copy for immediate delivery--no delays!  These patterns are great for scraps too--you don't HAVE to use charm packs.

Tonight I thought I'd have a little giveaway in honor of both the Schnibbles group's first quilt of the year and the Sunday basket scrappers.  Over the years, I've amassed a TON of Schnibbles patterns, and I've made a lot of them.  Some of them I know I'd enjoy making again because, as I've said, a different fabric or color arrangement makes the quilt look completely different.  But there were a couple that I don't think I'd make a second time, so I figured I'd give you a chance.  Are you interested in winning the Picnic Schnibbles pattern?  Want to see what it looks like?

See what I mean about the cat thing?  I cannot tell you how many blurry cat behinds I captured while trying to get a photo, but Mr. Stitch just wouldn't go away--he wanted to keep reminding me it was time for his dinner.  But he wouldn't sit still and let me photograph him either!  If you would like a chance to win this pattern*, just leave me a comment with a caption or thought-bubble cat dialogue for any of these photos and tell me you'd like to win.  And if you're not interested in the pattern but you want to put words in Mr. Stitch's mouth--or attribute telepathic thoughts to him--please also feel free to comment; just tell me that you don't need the pattern.  I'll draw a winner on Friday night and announce the winner on Saturday's post with the Mister Linky sign up for Scrap Basket Sunday.


*Disclaimer:  Cat not included in give away, although I reserve the right to change my mind at any time.


  1. Picture 4; ** "Picnic? No picnic having to go through all of this..."

    I'm not entering to win the pattern, but if you might change your mind on including the cat in the give away, I will.....

  2. Picture 4;"It will be no picnic around here if I don't get my supper soon..."
    I'd take the cat too but my husband says I'm not allowed to have anymore then the two I already have...sigh...

  3. Last picture " Hurry up, I need a nap".
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. The last picture: "Lady, you better get that blankety-blank camera out of my face and feed me, NOW!"

    (I already have the pattern, though, so I don't need to be in the drawing.)

  5. "Mom, I'm losing my patience. Put the camera down now and get me my dinner."

    I would love this pattern.

  6. Picture #4 "What a long day. Have you ever tried to train a naughty human?"

  7. Picture #5 "Enough already"

    I would love to win this pattern.

  8. Hi there, I don't need the pattern.

    The last picture: I can't work like this, can someone get my agent on the phone!

    Love that kitty.

  9. Last picture: Maybe she'll stop all this crazy quilting and pay more attention to me if I give her my famous "stink eye!"

  10. Enough already with the pictures, get me my lunch..

    I would love to be entered into your drawing.

    Thanks for a chance

  11. I have a couple of Schnibbles patterns and haven't made one..that will be on my goal list for this year..this Picnic one is pretty cool! My older bulldog put up with me taking pictures of him for years but once I brought the two girlie bulldogs into the house, he refuses to even look at the camera...darn animals :)

  12. The title of this post was only the FIRST laugh it induced--LOL! In the last photo, Mr. Stitch is saying: "Look, Lady, get that camera out of my face or you'll find a little 'gift' in your slipper tomorrow morning!"

  13. I would love to win your pattern. I just finished my 1st Schnibbles, a version of "Full House".

    Sorry, but I'm not really a cat person. I have a golden like Miss Rosie!

    Gale S

  14. Caption for the third picture is a quote by James Herriot:

    Cats are connoisseurs of comfort.

    Love Mr. Stitches' attitude as he awaits his dinner. I'd love to picnic with him (and win your pattern...)

  15. "Humans! Doesn't she realize that I am NOT going away until I my din-din?
    I would love to be in your giveaway! Thanks!

  16. Loved your black, white and red Hat Trick in the Schnibbles parade!

  17. ROFL!!! What makes you think dogs are any easier? Do you know how many blurry Rosie pictures I have? The only way I can get her to hold still long enough for a picture is to hold a rock over my head!

    I just have a thought... do you think that maybe... just possibly... the problem is... gulp... us?

  18. Picture #1. "You want me to what?".

  19. "I'm not moving till you feed me."

    I'd love to win the pattern.

  20. Pam in SacramentoMay 3, 2013 at 9:38 AM

    "Hand over the kibble and no one will be harmed."

    Don't need to win the pattern as I already have it.*

    *or the cats, although they are adorable but my DH reminds me that I have two adorable and difficult ones of my own who are just as difficult to herd.

    Isn't it funny how cats are attracted to quilts?

  21. Nothing better than cats and quilts in the same blog post. Thanks! I would love a chance to win the pattern. Cat comment for the last pic ..."I've got a pattern for you - I call it Hairball".

  22. I'm not sure whet his thoughts are... but I would watch my patterns closely! He looks very sinister in the last photo!
    Forget the Schnibbles I want some kibbles!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!