Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I can already tell this is going to be a miscellaneous sort of week in many ways.  Thimbleberries Club on Wednesday night means not much sewing going on that night and I'll be spending some time on Tuesday night assembling show and tell and a few other things to bring to the meeting.  And the monthly gathering of my stitchery group on Saturday means time spent this week preparing sheep blanket kits for my friends AND getting my own sheep blanket ready to stitch while we're together.  I'm not complaining--I love my groups and friends.  But it means I can't come home from work every night and play in the Sweat Shop as I usually would.

And then there are the projects I'm working on--miscellaneous stuff.  I'm about half finished quilting George, the Schnibbles quilt.  And let's not forget those scrap blocks:  I only had time to select fabrics and cut four blocks on Sunday, so tonight I pieced three of them, and I have one more to piece.  Then there was  QADD:  Quilter's Attention Deficit Disorder.  I'm pretty sure that's what made me set aside piecing the scrap blocks for awhile tonight to piece, quilt, and bind a little mug mat.

Perhaps you recall that earlier in the year, I wanted to make a mug mat for my desk at work every month or every holiday.  I think the last one I made was for St. Patrick's Day, so it was about time to make another, and I'd been setting aside random leftover pieces of the spring time fabrics I'd used in the two Easter projects I recently finished.  I guess maybe I got tired of moving aside my little pile of scraps for this project, because tonight I finally made that mug mat.

But maybe it wasn't QADD that caused me to be a little more scattered and less focused on my scrap blocks.  Maybe it was the crazy wind we've had.  Some of you mentioned it's too early for you to plant tomatoes where you live, but our temps here are expected to be in the 70s and maybe into the 80s for the next couple weeks.  Even if they dip, we're pretty unlikely to get a freeze at this time of year, but we may still get rain and winds.  The wind seems to cause strange things sometimes, and today's wind gusts got up to 45 miles per hour.  This morning I was out on the front yard patio--where our raised planter is--in my nightgown "staking" up my new tomato plants with bamboo shish kabob skewers and light kite string.  The plants are fairly well protected by the edges of the raised box, but this wind seemed like it could be stronger than my new babies could take.  I'm pleased to say that when I came home from work tonight, they all looked just fine.

And speaking of gardens, I wanted to show you Hubby's latest yard art creation.  Remember the caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland?

He's been working on this one off and on for some months now, searching thrift stores for things like the teacup and saucer.  I think he's had a lot of fun making it.  The hookah lights up; I think the caterpillar does too.   Right now, this guy is living on our back patio--too bad we can't put it and some of Hubby's other creations in the front yard where they can be enjoyed by the neighbors, but Hubby's afraid they'll be stolen.  I'm glad, though, that he has a hobby he enjoys as much as I enjoy playing with fabric.

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Your yard art is fabulous!! It is a shame to have to keep it in your back yard. Florence

  2. The caterpillar is awesome! Love the details.

  3. Love the Caterpillar! Good job Mr. Kim!

  4. Oh. My. Gawd. that has to be the most awesome Caterpillar i have EVER seen in my ENTIRE life (which we all know is a looooong time)!!!

    we have snow and wind today - and the high is supposed to be 21 ... the high yesterday was 70sumpin - a 50 degree drop in the daytime high - sheesh!!! i think i should have brought in the little pansy plants that i bought over the weekend cuz their are looking frostified...

  5. it took me 5 tries to prove i am not a robot - if they just checked my spelling and grammar, they would KNOW ... anywho, that should be "they are" and not "their are" which happened because i MEANT to write "their leaves are"

    and now i am going to take a stab at the robot thing - the word is "iFamino" and i think that, with some time, i could make something funny out of that...

  6. Love the caterpillar. Don't have my tomatoes in yet and good thing. WOW! have these winds been wild, or what? Thought we were supposed to have them again today before the 87 degrees predicted tomorrow (I hate the heat) but as of right now it's not windy at my house near the river and Watt.

  7. Panty hose strips are more tomato plant friendly than string.

  8. OOOOO!!! Love that caterpillar! And your mug rug idea is a good one. I still have my Valentine Day's one at work. I think it's time for a Spring/Summer one. Thanks for the nudge.

  9. Oh wow I love the caterpillar! That is amazing and so detailed. I would love to have that in my garden! Nice work, hubby o' Kim!


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