Wednesday, April 10, 2013

At Least That's Done

Moving on with my miscellaneous week, I finished the fourth scrappy block tonight.  Of course, I can't show you my blocks until Sunday, but it's nice to have them done so I can see how all four look together.  I'd really like to get them done ON Sunday next weekend instead of stringing them out for three days though!

Also tonight, I dug out the April sheep blanket pattern and pulled the wools I needed to kit up for my friends.  And when I do that, I prepare my pieces and get everything laid out and glued down, ready to stitch--that way, not only am I ready, but I know how the whole thing will look, and I know how big the wool pieces need to be for my friends' kits.  Want to see it so far?

I think I'll like this one too.  I've matched embroidery thread and packed everything up in a tote box to take with me on Saturday.  I was thinking on my drive home tonight that it would be nice to get the Schnibbles quilt done before then so I could work on the binding on Saturday, but I'm not sure that's possible.

I told Hubby several of you had complimented him on his caterpillar yard art and he was pleased, although I don't think he's read your comments yet.  He doesn't read my blog, you know.  But maybe he'll be curious to see what you said.  I know he appreciates it when people enjoy the things he creates.

Tomorrow night is my monthly Thimbleberries Club meeting--and I still haven't packed up what I want to take, but I'll do that in the morning.  And if I remember to bring my camera, maybe I'll have something to show you afterward.  "See" you then!


  1. Kim, what kind of glue do you use on your wool applique? Do you wash the project after you finish? I am wondering if the glue has any negative effects on the wool. Thanks.

  2. Your flowers and their colors are so pretty and they really look like real flowers! Do you use floss (how many strands) or what when you stitch them down? I'm interested in Kigwit's questions too altho I do know what kind of glue you use and I do too now!!

  3. The colours you're using are so pretty :)


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