Monday, March 11, 2013

Play Date

A friend of mine had surgery about a week ago, and I wanted to either bring her dinner or take her out to eat today, depending on whether she felt able to get out and about.  Since she was starting to feel like she could do things for short periods of time (and had been advised by her doctor to take short walks), we decided we'd go out to dinner . . . eventually.  But first we made a fast trip through Michael's for a couple essential items and then we went back to her house for a few hours of crafty play time.  Want to see what we made?

We were supposed to get together and make these wool felt "pots" a couple weeks ago, but then I had that pinched nerve in my arm, so we had to postpone.  Here's the pattern--in case any of you need to make a faux pot too.

I have to tell you, though, that about half way through, I told my friend I thought we should have just gone and bought terracota pots instead of trying to make them from wool felt!  On my way home, after we did, in fact, go to dinner (at Mimi's), I remembered I had some wooden tulips and a few birds, so what originally started off as a pot full of eggs grew into a pot full of faux flowers, eggs, and a bird!

It was the perfect decoration for an otherwise overlooked and unembellished spot in the livingroom.

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