Sunday, March 10, 2013

Hop Forward

Today we go back to Daylight Savings Time.  I'm not really a fan of Daylight Savings Time.  Well, that's not it exactly.  I guess I should say I'm not really a fan of messing about with the time twice a year.  It seems that no sooner have I adjusted to one time, it's time to change to another.  It's really pretty pointless.  In my perfect world, it would be time to wake up when it's light outside and time to go to sleep when it's about seven hours before it gets light outside.  Simple really.

I've found a use for the smaller eggs I made.

Yes, the bunny looks a little funny with no eyes or whiskers, but he'll get some before too long.  Next I'll trim it down (you can't see it in this photo but the background fabric extends a few inches in all directions) and add some borders.  I'm thinking about a pieced border but I haven't decided what kind of pieced blocks I'll add.  Probably just something simple and not too big because I don't want the border to overwhelm the rest of the runner.  I think small pinwheels might work.  Or just half square triangles.  Something like that.

Don't forget to turn your clocks ahead an hour if you haven't already.  I'm going to go adjust mine now--begrudgingly!  I think the hour I have to give up might just be an hour of housecleaning.  Or cooking.


  1. oh now, that's just cute, Kim! and the bunny looks a lot like me this morning when the sun came shining through my window and i squinted so hard that my eyes disappeared...

  2. Cute little bunny and eggs. Here in AZ we never adjust our time which is fine. Hope you got all your clocks adjusted. Happy Sunday.

  3. Unfortunately the hour I give up always seems to be an hour of sleep. I hate daylight savings time. Perhaps we should start a movement against it...Love your cute eggs.

  4. Cute! You are good!
    All clocks turned back - check. Groan.

  5. Kim, are you planning on making a pattern of your adorable bunny?


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