Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Voice of Christmas Doom

Can you believe Christmas is only two weeks away?  Where does the time go?  I'm starting to panic a little bit.  I have a pile of Christmas craft stuff and no time to work on any of it.  I've kind of finished decorating for Christmas, except I keep seeing things here and there that I've forgotten.  And I've realized there are more people in my life I'd like to remember with a little gift and I have no idea WHAT.  I'm starting to envy those people who devoted a day a month--or a whole month!--to Christmas gift preparation.  What was I thinking?  ARGH!

How are your preparations coming along?  I've arranged for comment verification to fail for any of you who want to write glowing comments about how you're all ready for the holidays now and can just sit back and enjoy your friends and family.  Besides, I don't believe you.  Bah Humbug!

You know that classic poem, The Night Before Christmas?  It was SOOO obviously written by a man.  No woman I know would be in bed with a settled brain on the night before Christmas--we're all up, trying to finish wrapping the gifts and prepping whatever we can for Christmas brunch and dinner.

I know that somehow, everything will get done, and whatever doesn't get done, really doesn't matter much anyway.  In about another week, I'll simply give up and surrender myself to the great cosmic universe, muttering under my breath, "It is what it is," but for now, life feels a little crazy.  Wouldn't it be better to celebrate Christmas every OTHER year instead of annually?  Or every FOUR years, like the Olympics?


  1. I'm right there with you. We have our Christmas Party this Saturday, so I've been devoting my time to cooking and cleaning for that. Once that is over my shopping and sewing MUST begin. I have 9 grandchildren, 8 children & spouses, Mom, etc to buy for. I do have a few gifts I've purchased here and there, but not much. I may be wrapping all day Christmas Eve. BUT, I love Christmas, so I want it every year!

  2. I've barely started & made the mistake of taking my husband, the Christmas grinch, with me yesterday! LOL Today I go alone!

  3. I'm almost done. I have some sewing to finish up but that will be quick. 1/2 the gifts are wrapped and under the tree. "Santa" gifts are waiting to be wrapped. I'm in good shape but still in a panic.

  4. I'm right there with you. Too much to do and never enough time. I'm going to try to start baking a few things today. I still have a few sewing projects to finish. Yikes I had better get busy.

  5. I have 2 more packages to mail...which means another line to stand in...I didn't devote a day a month to Christmas gift making which I am going to in 2013...which means I am broke because I had to go out and buy everything and then i was so depressed I had to mail order a bunch more kits to make myself feel better. My dad used to root for the Grinch and I for Whooville but I am thinking I might be changing sides...

  6. Kim, remember that Christmas *begins* on December 25th and goes on for 12 nights. So any gifts given out between 12/25 and 1/6 are acceptable!

    I just started my Christmas decorating Sunday because my husband had all of his camping/fishing/bicycling equipment strewn about the living room until then. So far I have put up the tree with lights and decorations. Oh and I put a plastic Christmas tablecloth on the kitchen table with the Advent wreath (got that up on the correct day at least!). I have a dozen storage tubs stacked in the living room ready to unpack and I'm too tired to do it during the week so next weekend I'll decorate. I hope.

  7. I was so busy last year making commission quilts, that I told myself I was not doing that this year. So stressful, I delivered the last one on Christmas Eve afternoon. This year I wanted to take it easy and decorate and bake. Someone higher up than me had other plans. I was contacted by a lady that wanted quilts made from her husband's shirts. He passed away very suddenly this year and she was trying to think of something very special for their children this Christmas. Somehow quilts made from his shirts came up and someone gave them my name. Long story short, they have 6 (yes 6) children that she wanted quilts for. I at first was going to turn it down but I had a dream one night and all that changed, I said yes, but to some very simple piecing. She gave me the clothing Thanksgiving weekend and I told her I would do as many as I could before Christmas but some might have to wait til after Christmas. I do have all 6 pieced and one completly finished working on quilting the other 5. Crossing my fingers and praying to the One that told me to do this, all are finished by Christmas without stress. So far so good. Wondered why I had a lot of my shopping done (which is very unsual for me) I guess I was suppose to make quilts after all.

  8. Well for once I am hopeful that I will not be up until 3 am on Christmas eve sewing my heart out. I just finished one of the fairy costumes I plan on making for my almost six year old. That leaves one more fairy costume and a backing for my husbands quilt. Of course then I have to layer said quilt and actually quilt and bind it. But all in all I think I am ahead of the game this year! Here's hoping we aren't huddled in a corner sucking our thumbs and crying for our Mama's on Christmas eve!

  9. Wait doesn't the Mayan Calendar end sometime at the end of December but before Christmas? So maybe you will have a reprieve.

  10. I know how you feel, I'm in the same sinking ship. I have my doubts I'll get everything done that I need to do. I better get off the computer and get going on my sewing projects.

  11. I was already behind this year because we did a full kitchen remodel this fall and I was trying to finish the painting this week. Unfortunately, I got picked for a jury on Monday and the trial will last until the 19th! So the painting will have to wait, and I will START decorating this weekend. Who knows when I will finish the shopping. At least I have more counter space now for making my cookies, pies and Christmas dinner! What is most important is spending time with our families so whatever gets done just has to be good enough this year, at least that's what I keep telling myself....

  12. Girl, I like how you think!! LOL


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!