Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Midnight Shopping

Since I'm a night owl anyway, I love the fact that stores stay open really, really LATE this time of the year.  Last week I went to pick up a few things at Kohl's that I needed for the house and for a couple of gift exchanges--I was there until 11:45 p.m., it was raining outside, and I think by the time I left, I was the only customer in the store.  Do you have a Kohl's near you?  At various times during the year, Kohl's rewards its customers with Kohl's Cash to spend on their next shopping trip.  As a result of their promotions and discounts, my purse held $20 in "Kohl's Cash," a $5 coupon, and another coupon for 15% off, so I thought it was time to go back to Kohl's again tonight and search for a few of those gifts I needed to find.  I understand from my friend Geraldine--a long time Kohl's shopper--that at some point, I'll amass so many rewards that Kohl's will practically pay ME to shop there.

It was raining again tonight.  I had several things to do at home before I could leave, but around 10 p.m., I changed into casual clothes and put my sneakers on to head out to Kohl's.  As I came down the hallway, I saw Stitch lurking there, and I swear his eyes immediately locked onto my shoes.

He's a very judgmental cat.  "Don't judge," I told him as I passed by, but I know he does.

I was in Kohl's until 11:45 p.m., so of course I'm up late once again, but I found a couple of the gifts I needed and came up with a few ideas for other gifts and things, so I'm feeling a little more optimistic than I did when I posted last night.  It will definitely be a struggle to get everything done, but it just might work out.  By the way, if any of you know where I can buy little cat shoes with people's faces on them, please tell me.  I really think they'd be the perfect gift for Stitch.


  1. Did you get the shoes at Kohl's? Cute! That's good you're getting your shopping done.

  2. oh now ... those are just too freakin' cute for words!!!

    maybe Judgy McJudgerson should get coal in his stocking instead of people slippers...

    p.s. - my word ver is vilecat 56 ... we'll see if i can get it on the first try...

  3. the shoes rock! we have a Kohl's only a half a mile away and I never go there...I'm and going to check it out this week!

  4. I would totally wear those kitty shoes!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!