Sunday, December 16, 2012

Plugging Along . . .

After the school shooting on Friday, writing a blog post for Saturday didn't feel right.  Not talking about the shooting seemed frivolous, but everything I could have said about the shooting has been said elsewhere, so I just didn't write.  I've heard, though, that those who counsel people in times of stress and grief say the best thing is to try to get back into normal routines, so here I am--posting again.  Of course, my thoughts and prayers are with the families who have lost loved ones.

I've been working on Christmas projects--I'll have to show you what I've accomplished soon, but I haven't taken any photos just yet.  There are some things I can't share just yet, but I can tell you I've made a pillow for a friend and some stuffed animals for the young children of someone I work with.  I ran around town today gathering supplies I needed but didn't have--both sewing and cooking "stuff."  And I made the first batch of some really excellent cookies--the cookies are called Texas Sized Almond Crunch Cookies and they're one of my favorites.  But the really excellent thing is that I made up a filling using marshmallow cream and a cocoa almond spread (by Trader Joe's; kind of like Nutella but with almonds instead of hazelnuts) that I thinned slightly with cream and spread between pairs of cookies to make sandwiches.  Yum!  I still need to make another batch--maybe tomorrow.

And I have a cold.  I started feeling sick later on Friday and I finally stopped believing it could just be allergies by the time I woke up Saturday morning and still felt just as sick.  So I've been taking medications so I can keep going.  It's NOT a good time to be sick, but I guess it never is!  I hope your weekend is going well and you're on track for the holidays.  Christmas will be here before we know it!


  1. Hello.... I hope your cold will get better quick....I too came down with a nasty cold yesterday....came out of nowhere ! NOT the time of year to get be getting sick. I didn't get my flu shot yet this I hope to goodness it isn't the flu! All slept I got up early and have been reading blogs for the last couple hours. Take Care...

  2. sounds like you need soup, soup and more soup! For the amount of energy you expend each day you need Texas sized cookies.

  3. now i feel even worse for dumping Tales of Travails on you last night ... Melissa is just getting over a nasty bug that has lasted since before thanksgiving - lottsa bowls of Lipton's chicken noodle soup for her, lemmetellya ... feel better!

  4. I'm going to say this in a whisper - I haven't sick with a cold since I retired! Shhhhhh, don't want to jinx it.


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