Saturday, December 8, 2012

Never Enough Time . . . .

True?  True for me!  I think I just get excited about too many things and I think I can do it all.  I was off work Thursday for a couple different reasons--a workers' comp exam and to try to do some things I hadn't gotten around to doing.  And you know what?  I somehow thought I'd be able to get about twice as much done.  Well, I knew it would be busy, and that's why I took a night off blogging, but I don't think it helped very much.

Still, I just about finished getting my house decorated for Christmas except for a couple little "tweeks" that I'll take care of this weekend.  And between yesterday and today (Friday), I've gotten things ready for my stitchery group's monthly gathering tomorrow.  Well, mostly.  I WAS hoping to have everyone's Christmas gifts ready to take tomorrow, but they will have to wait until a little later in the month--that was one of the things I THOUGHT I'd get around to on Thursday, and it turned out to be completely ridiculous of me to think I'd have enough time.

One of the things I did get done was to "kit" for my friends and prepare for myself the Harrington and Hannah November block, so I might have that to show you tomorrow night.  And I have the second Snow Flakes runner to take with me and finish.  If I get both of those projects done--and I might--I have two other wool projects I could work on.  Ah, but will there be enough time?  Probably not . . . there never is.  Especially when the six of us get busy talking and eating.

Speaking of the Snow Flakes runner, I randomly picked a winner of the pattern and the little kit I put together.  The winner is Shirley I.  She said, "This little project is so cute! Here in New York state we are supposed to have snow--but it was 60+ degrees yesterday. The mailman was wearing shorts!!! Thanks for the giveaway."  Shirley, please email me your full name and address, and I'll get this in the mail to you on Monday.

Thank you all for checking in on me.  I hope you have a fun and/or productive weekend planned!


  1. I'm so with you! There's never enough time to get everything done, especially this time of year! Good luck checking off of your list this weekend.

  2. i am much, much slower than i used to be - things that used to take 5 minutes now take me an hour (or two) ... i think it's because i am too freaking old to keep up with the Big Dawgs and i oughta just stay on the porch...

  3. There are days when I am running, running , running and when I look back, there is not as much done as I would like. I am glad I am not alone!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!