Sunday, December 9, 2012

Merry Christmas to Me!

Today my stitchery friends met at Imelda's house, and it wasn't too long before we started talking about the Christmas crafts we were working on, what supplies we'd used, and where we bought them.  Next thing we knew, we were all piling into two cars and caravanning to Hobby Lobby because each of us decided we "needed" something or other.  For me, it was mostly more of the Looking Glass paint, glass frosting paint, and Christmas ribbon.  I found what I needed but I also found something else.  Merry Christmas to me!

I'd been looking for awhile now--maybe even a year--for a dresser of some sort to fit into a small spot in the Sweat Shop where I could store some of my things and use the top for a cutting surface, but everything I'd found that was the right height for a cutting surface didn't have storage and everything that had adequate storage was too tall.  At Hobby Lobby, though, I found this small dresser on sale, and I knew it would be pretty close to perfect.  It's about an inch or two taller than my sewing table but it doesn't feel too tall for cutting.  And it could have been about 6 inches wider, but the fact that it's a little narrower than the space means I still have room on either side to hold things like my light box, my large rulers, and my embroidery box.

Of course, a new piece of furniture meant a lot of reorganizing had to be done in the Sweat Shop so that's what I spent Saturday night doing, but it's looking pretty good now.

I've been saving usable sized wool scraps for quite awhile, and having to clean out the Sweat Shop made me decide it's about time to package up some of them and list them in my Etsy shop.  If you enjoy working with wool applique and are interested in adding a little variety to your wool supply, or if working with wool is new to you and you want to experiment a little and need a variety of scraps to start, you might want to check out my listing HERE.  Each bag is stuffed full of scraps and weighs approximately 12 ounces--that's actually a lot of wool!

Baa, baa black sheep, have you any wool?  Yes sir, yes sir, FIVE bags full!

Speaking of wool, I spent a little bit of the day today working on the Harrington and Hannah block for November; this is the one I kitted up for my friends and gave them today.  Depending on how things go the rest of the weekend, I might have my block ready to show you tomorrow.  I hope to see you then!


  1. I've been semi lurking...popping in today to wish you Happy Holidays!!

  2. I just love that chest - just beautiful!! I'm planning a HObby Lobby run this week - I'm going to see if we happen to have one and scope out the size.

    You chose wisely!


  3. I love the cabinet! Gorgeous colors.

  4. That cabinet is adorable - the fact that it's functional is just a bonus.

  5. did you paint it? or was it already like that? Fun! I am sending shoppers over to you on this mornings blog...have fun!

  6. Hi, Anna sent me to your shop and I bought one of your bags of wool. Thanks to both you and Anna, Ronda

  7. I like your dresser Kim. Good idea to use the top for a cutting table.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!