Saturday, December 22, 2012

Moving Toward Christmas

I finally decided to make a doctor appointment, and I saw my doctor on Friday afternoon.  I was pretty sure I didn't have anything like a sinus infection or bronchitis and didn't need antibiotics, but the coughing and the other symptoms were really wearing on me; I figured some cough syrup with codeine might help.  By the way, thanks for the whiskey/lemon/honey recommendations.  When I first met Hubby, he swore by a hot toddy made from warmed lemonade and Wild Turkey, which is pretty similar.  What I didn't mention in my last post was that I'd woken up early on Friday coughing, and so I stumbled out to the kitchen and mixed up a little honey and lemon juice which helped a bit; I'd thought about whiskey too, but since I had to get up for work in about an hour, adding whiskey didn't seem like a great idea at that point.  Anyway, the doctor prescribed the cough syrup, as I thought he would, but he also prescribed a nasal spray and two inhalers, one to use twice a day and one in case I get really short of breath and need something to act quickly.

What puzzles me a bit is that the pharmacist, in giving me instructions on the new medications, explained the twice-a-day inhaler and the nasal spray don't really act immediately; it will take several days before they really kick in fully.  Seriously, I'd like something that makes me feel better NOW, and I really think I'll be over most of the worst cold symptoms in a few days, so spending $90 on medications that don't really work for several days--other than the cough syrup--seems kind of pointless.  Then again, I don't have a medical degree, so I'll go along with the program for now.

Between the inhaler, the cough syrup, and exhaustion, I finally got a decent night's sleep on Friday night, and then another nice nap today, but I had to miss the big family Christmas gathering at Hubby's mom and dad's house--not only was I not feeling great but I didn't want anyone else to catch this thing.  So I stayed home and looked through recipes, planning what to cook for Christmas day, and making a shopping list.  Oh, and I also took that nice nap too.

I'd really like to bake a few goodies, but I guess it will depend on how I feel tomorrow and on Monday.  The Wild Child came home for a few days with Manager Man, but they've gone on to his parents' house now for the night, and she needs to return to Eureka later in the day tomorrow for a work shift on Monday afternoon, so we won't see her for Christmas.  Still, at least we had her for a little bit and she was able to get to the family celebration today and see the rest of the family.

Most of my Christmas gifts went to friends at the office, so those have been exchanged now--even though my plans were interrupted by this cold and I wasn't able to do all I wanted, I'd done a bit of shopping and sewing ahead of time, so I managed to have a little something for the people I'd planned to give gifts to.  I have two new bosses who I don't know very well yet, but I gave cookies and a set of the fabric coasters to one boss, who is single and just moved to the area to take the job.  The other boss has three daughters--two twin toddlers and an infant.  I gave him some cookies also and made two sheep for his twin girls--nearly the same but with slightly different colored wool for the faces and ears.  A year or two ago, I'd bought a chenille bedspread at a thrift store and I used it for the sheep bodies.

I made the Twister pillow behind the sheep for a fellow secretary/friend at the office.  I thought it would go well with some new family room furniture she'd purchased.  Most of the other gifts I gave were store-bought.

I also was able to finish binding a wedding quilt for my nephew late last night.  He and his wife were married in June and asked for a quilt in their colors:  browns and geranium green.

I'm not sure if you can see, but I quilted roses in the plain brown squares.  And, although it wasn't a Christmas gift, Hubby was able to deliver it at the family Christmas gathering today.

The next couple days I can spend relaxing and trying to get over this bug.  I need to go grocery shopping and do a little baking if I feel up to it, but the pressure of getting ready for the holidays is over, I think!

I don't know if I'll blog much in the next few days or, for that matter, if you'll have much time for blog hopping, so I want to wish you, your families, and your loved ones a happy and joyous holiday!


Janet said...

Merry Christmas! Hope you are better soon. The inhalers should reduce the inflammation in your lungs.


Nonnie said...

Merry Christmas. Take it easy and try to enjoy your holiday. Rest

Me and My Stitches said...

Sure hope you are feeling better soon and can enjoy Christmas. Take care of you!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you're feeling much better very soon and that you have a very Merry Christmas!

Carol said...

Merry Christmas Kim. I hope you get better soon.

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

I hope the meds kick in and you feel better soon. Merry Christmas!

Marie said...

Kim, I really feel for you with that horrible cold ? you have as I have had similiar for the past 3 weeks and am still coughing!
I love your blog and read it daily and I wish you a very Merry Christmas and all the best for 2013.

Unknown said...

So sorry you are not feeling well during this hectic time of year. Feel better soon and Merry Christmas!

Marilyn said...

My dh has had it since mid Nov. 2 trips to the Dr. Last said he had acute bronchitis. I finally caught it and it was gone in days. Too dh back to the Dr. and the next day I relapsed and it has hit me hard. We had to cancel 2 concerts and a trip to Las Vegas this weekend. Will go to the kids in San Diego tomorrow. This bug just goes on, and on, and on...Hope you are better soon.

Nancy H. said...

Take care of yourself and don't worry about all the preparations. Some years a simple Christmas is best. Hope you feel better soon and have a Merry Christmas!

CathyK said...

Merry Christmas and I sure hope you feel better soon!

Sinta Renee said...

I wanted to stop by and catch up with you... you are always so inspiring, so it's a great way for me to start the weekend. I am so sorry that you are under the weather though. I hope you bounce back quickly--Merry Christmas to you Kim!