Monday, November 19, 2012

More Crafts

Sunday was largely a day of organizing things around the house.  I packed away my summer clothes and got out the winter ones.  I separated all the Christmas "stuff" that had been accumulating in the computer room into categories:  decorations, craft supplies, and gifts.  Decorations were moved to a cupboard for a week or so until it's time to get them out.  Gifts were moved into the Wild Child's former room.  That left all the Christmas craft supplies.  I thought it was probably time to get going on a couple.

I purchased a snowman form at Hobby Lobby several weeks ago.  The success of the gingerbread men arrangements gave me the idea of making him into a table arrangement, so on Sunday, I built a snowman.  That sign he's holding says "Believe"--hard to see in this photo, I know.  This guy will be going to another home eventually, but I'll enjoy him for now.  (He still needs some battery operated Christmas lights, as I learned from Imelda and the gingerbread men arrangement!)

Next, I planted a forest.  Something I saw in a magazine gave me the idea, so I've been gathering stryofoam cones of different heights and sheet moss (actually sold as moss tablerunners) over the last couple of weeks, using all the 40% off coupons I could find!

The glass candlesticks were mostly thrift store finds.  Next time you see these trees, I think they'll be on my livingroom mantle.

(In case you want to make something similar, the tallest cone was around 19" and the shortest was about 8".  To cover the five cones, I used two pieces of moss--one tablerunner that was 14" x 48" and one that was around 16" x 18".)

I still have several other Christmas crafts to work on, but I'm happy to have completed these two, except for a few finishing touches.  All in all, it's been a fairly productive weekend!


  1. oh I feel the pressure! next week...yeah next week I'll get organized!

  2. I love your little forest! Your Holiday creations are always a thrill to see.


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