Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I'm Going to Need a Bigger Table

The Christmas Chaos quilt top is done, and if this thing is going to be a table topper, I'm going to need a bigger table.

I laid it out on our king-sized bed, just to get an idea about size, and as you can see, it covers the top and then some.  How did that happen?

When I first came up with the idea for this quilt and was calculating size, I had a straight set in mind, and I planned to make it either three blocks by three blocks or four blocks by four blocks.  Then I turned the blocks on point and added more blocks.  Instead of 16 blocks, I needed 18 blocks.  And sashing to tame it.  So it kind of grew when I wasn't paying attention.

And, as you can see, I went with the white sashing.  Like a number of you, my heart said go red, but when I thought about it more, I realized the red wouldn't contrast enough to break up all of those crazy patterns in the blocks, so in the end, I went with white and used the red in the cornerstones.  And I'm happy with the lattice effect the white gives it too.

I'm not quite sure where I'll use this once it's done, but I have a few options--none of which involve putting it on top of a table.  I was hoping to finish the piecing and get it pin basted this past weekend, but it just didn't happen; maybe next weekend.  I realize it's been awhile since I quilted something; there's a lot of satisfaction in sewing on a binding and knowing you're just about done with a large project, isn't there?


  1. It's bright and cheery, I love it!
    I have a quilt of my own, I need to bind to finish, I need to get working on that.

  2. I'm shocked! I had to go back to your original post -- Nov. 13! One week! Along with working full time, shopping, other Christmas crafts -- how do you do it? You MUST have more hours in a day in California than we have in NJ! It's just beautiful! Florence

  3. See that really works with the red cornerstones. Looks like you have a bed quilt. Bigger than you usually make.

  4. it looks awesome Kim. I see what you mean about the white sashing. I have a suggestion for where you should put it when you are finished: *my* king size bed. I'll take good care of it for you! ;-)

  5. Two thumbs up!! I was one of the white sashing votes and I love the addition of red cornerstones and on the on point setting. You have me wanting to make one for my table or wall. I have a few jelly rolls hanging around. I will fight the temptation for now. No time for my personal fun sewing.

  6. I have to say, although I liked the colors, and the fabric, I thought the blocks were a little too wild. Adding the white lattice and red cornerstones was the perfect decision. Love it! Gorgeous!

  7. Love this bright cheery quilt!Great decision Kim to use white sashing w/ red cornerstones!
    Penny in S CA


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