Friday, March 2, 2012

Well, I Think It's Obvious . . .

Miss Jean came up with the perfect name for the quilt:


When I read her comment, I loved it! The word play is absolutely fantastic and it sums up the entire quilt in just two words! I knew it would be hard to top Miss Jean's suggestion, but the rest of you certainly made a good effort, and I thank you all for coming up with so many great suggestions.

Miss Jean, please email me your mailing address and I'll get the prize out to you soon.


  1. Rabbit Transit was my favorite of all of the suggestions, too - well done, Miss Jean!

  2. Congrats, Miss Jean!! That's a clever name :)

  3. Great name. Is that rabbit in the upper left corner ziplining??? Brave rabbit!

  4. This is so exciting! To name a quilt made by you - PRICELESS!!! Thank you so much1!!!!!!

  5. That's ace, and the quilt is great fun!- Lot of work in it!!

  6. Leave it to Miss Jean! (Gosh, she's wonderful! Have you met her?) Congrats!

  7. OMG! Talk about perfect!! Great name for your wonderful bunny quilt. I hope you smile every time you look at it. I know I would....


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!