Saturday, March 3, 2012

Blog Spam

Two or three of you commented a couple days ago about the new double word verification when leaving comments, and that was the first I heard of it. When I visited someone's blog a little bit later, I experienced it for the first time. What a bother! I have a hard enough time with just one word, let alone trying to type two.

So I decided to remove word verification from my blog. Within a few hours, I started getting spam comments on one of my more popular blog posts so, thinking I could solve the problem, I closed comments on that post. Then I started getting spam comments on another post. At that point, I decided I'd better put word verification back on.

I'm sorry that spammers have made it so difficult for the rest of us to enjoy the internet. I'm not sure what they think they'll gain from their oh-so-obvious spam messages, especially since most of the time they go into a spam folder without being posted anyway!

I appreciate the time you take to overcome these annoyances and post comments on my blog from time to time. It's good to know that someone out there is reading what I write and enjoying the quilts I make.

On a different note, usually my favorite thing to do on a Saturday morning is sleep in, but not THIS Saturday morning. THIS Saturday morning I have to get up at my normal time and get ready and leave the house just like I do each weekday morning for work. The only reason I'm doing it tomorrow morning is because it's going to be fun--I'm meeting a couple of my friends and we're going on a little quilt show road trip. I'll tell you about it tomorrow night. Now it's time to get to bed, because I don't want to be late!


  1. Not sure if it will work for you, but Chookyblue from wrote a post about turning her word verification off (and what else to select in blogger to ensure little to no spam). I have done it and had no problems at all!

    This new word verification thing is ridiculous!

  2. have a great time with you friends! They did at least take away the word in the black circle! That one was nothing short of IMPOSSIBLE to read!!! I always try to 'pronounce' the words adn sometime think they would make great fictional names! LOL

  3. I turned mine off a long time ago and have never had a spam comment. There is a setting in blogger to help.I try too get the word verification right one time, then I just don't comment.

  4. We are still reading your blog posts. Have fun on your road trip today.

  5. I have mine turned off, but have moderation turned on for any post older than 7 days. No spam (yet).

  6. The same thing happened to me. I took word verification off and immediately started getting spam messages on the same blog post that I did like 8 months ago. So I put the word verification back on and the spam stopped. Oh how fun! I would love to go on a quilt store excursion. Can't wait to hear all about it.

  7. I turned mine off and spam came. So, I put mine back on. Honestly, I don't mind the captcha. It serves a purpose. :-)

  8. I'm getting better at guessing the words to verify. And what better reason to get up early, than to go on a quilting trip. Have fun.

  9. Have a great time and leave some stuff for me to buy!!!

  10. I bet you are getting noticed all the people (spammers) who would tune in to all the fun you were having with "odd" words and seeing how many "hits" you got a while back. Groan! In any case your blog comment requirements are worth wading through.

  11. Hope I run into you today! :)

  12. Are the comments actually appearing on your blog, or are they getting caught by Blogger's spam filter? I get a handful in my email, but almost none make it through to the blog itself.

    I'm not sure if they've made this awful word verification easier to read, or if my eyes are adjusting to it -- it's been easier the past few days.

  13. Hope you had a fabulous day with your friends today!
    Looking forward to reading all about it.
    (just an aside- the word verification thing is annoying, but worth not having a ton of spam...I too found I was getting hit with tons of it, so am leaving the verification alone for now as well)

  14. I turned off word verification on my blogs too for any posts newer than two weeks; older posts have to be verified because that's where I would get spam.


  15. I am sorry that removing word verification didn't work out for you! I have comment moderation which allows me to see all comments before I post them. I can also depend on the spam filter (which sometimes catches perfectly good comments as well so you have to make sure you check it!) and I haven't had any spam at all. I am not going to stop commenting on every blog that still has it, like some people, but I do wish everyone would quit using it. Still, if you are getting spam, I understand.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!