Monday, January 23, 2012

Tidying Up and Cleaning Out--Again!

With the completion of another quilt top comes a bit of cleaning and organizing in the Sweat Shop. After all, I've had a large plastic zip bag devoted to the fabric used in the Rabbits quilt for the last six years, and all those leftovers needed to be relocated--some of the larger pieces have been moved back onto the fabric shelves and some of the smaller pieces have been moved into the scrap drawer.

The overflowing scrap drawer.

So guess what? Yep, it's that time again. I've filled a medium priority mail box with scraps and I'm ready to send it off visiting somewhere in the United States. Would you like to invite it to come live with you?

Contained in the box is a real mix of stuff. Old Kansas Troubles scraps, brushed cotton scraps, bright scraps, holiday scraps, ugly scraps, pretty scraps, . . . . You name it and it's probably in that box.

Want it? Leave a comment inviting the box to come live with you and I'll pick a winner Tuesday night and post the identity of the winner on my Wednesday blog post.

This is NOT the end of the cleaning out. I've been going through a few other bags and baskets of half finished projects and I sure wouldn't be surprised if I come up with a few other orphans that need a new mom (or dad), so stay tuned. Also, my 11 in '11 peeps--I haven't forgotten you; I've just been bogged down with other stuff. I'll get to you very soon, okay?

Why is it that there's just never enough time? Or room to store everything? It's probably just as well, though--otherwise, I'd be moaning about not having enough money to buy everything I want. It's always something.


  1. Scrappy quilts are so much fun to make and I would love to use some if your sraps in one of my quilts. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I would love for your scraps to come live with me.

  3. Oh the suspense of not knowing what's in that box! =) Feel free to send it here! =)

  4. Thanks for the giveaway! I would be happy to have your scraps.

  5. Sweet little box please, please come live in Florida. Ms Cha Cha cat and I will make you feel right at home. We will welcome you with open arms. Please consider traveling our way. Happy quilting.

  6. Hello little box of scraps.....wouldn't you like to come live on the east coast? You could be part of a cool scrap quilt that I just found on a blog would be wonderful if you could make the trip! Peace...

  7. I think that little box of scraps would like to come to Canada! I'd pay the postage!

  8. Sounds exciting. I'd be willing to take it off of your hand :)

  9. Oh please let Mr. Random # Generator draw me!! I'm here, I'm here pick me, pick me!! Newbie here needs scraps!!! Great giveaway!!

  10. I would love to have some more scraps. Please put me in the drawing. Maybe if I use your scraps in a project it will miraculously get finished.

  11. Yes, please, I could make very good use of your scraps in my current crumb block phase .. . .

    Word Verification: pubim -- not going there

  12. Would love to give your little box of scraps a good home! Thanks for a chance!

  13. I would love to win that box of scraps. I love scrap quilts. Thanks for the chance.

  14. I'd love a chance to win... thank you! :-)

  15. I think your scraps and my scraps would play quite nicely together!

  16. This box of scraps would be fun to play with during the long winter months in Wisconsin.

  17. I'd love to have the little box of scraps to add to my collection and trade with friends!

  18. Is the box's name, Pandora? Could she bring mayhem and hope into the house where she lands? It would be exciting to find out!

  19. Love scraps! I need to start a scrap quilt...

  20. I love scrappy. I rarely make non scrappy quilts, they bore me. My ADD brain says things like "I've seen these same 5 fabrics. Give me something new!" When sewing scraps I never have that problem, ADD (somewhat) controlled, lol. They are much quicker to make when you have scraps than when you have to pull and iron yardage and cut 2" (or what ever) off, refold, stack neatly in the proper colorway, repeat 37 times. I'd be very happy to give your box of scraps a home in southern Maryland!

  21. My home is always open to scraps!! Thanks for the giveaway.

  22. I'm thinking what a nice addition the box of scraps would be. I make a lot of scrap quilts and this box would be perfect.

  23. I would love to have that box of scraps in my home. Not only would I get a gift, but my cat Chloe loves empty boxes to sleep/play in. So, the box and contents would be recycled. Thanks for the chance.

  24. I would love to invite your box to live at my house. I love scrappy quilts and it's always fun to find new fabrics to expand the scrap bin.

  25. I would love your box of scraps! The possibilities are endless!!

  26. Am sure that your scraps and mine could become really good friends. Thanks for the chance.

  27. Sure would like the scraps to come live with me, thanks for the chance.

  28. Scrap quilts are my favorite - they could come live here!

  29. oh, a box full of surprises. what could be better to find on the doorstep? nothing i can think of right now. i promise to make it a good home -- i just made new scrap drawers and there's plenty of room for new friends in them!

  30. Oh throw my name in there too. I may not use them but my Punk likes to sew and I like to keep scraps around for her to pick through.

  31. Your scraps are more than welcome to come and live with me. My scraps could use more variety.
    Thanks for the chance.
    valekort at yahoo dot com

  32. Your box of scraps is like a box of chocolates - yummy. Here's hoping for some.


  33. Hi, The extension club I belong to is having a charity day in March and will be making scrap quilts to give to the needy so I would like to win your box so hope I am a winner. Thanks

  34. Yes Kim, I would love to have your scraps. Thanks,

  35. Oh please let me have a peak in that scrappy box. I am sure it would love to visit with my scraps.

  36. Not that I really *need* anymore scraps, but a quilter can never have too many I say. I would love for that box to show up on my doorstep!

  37. I went on a tangent and de-cluttered my sewing room (must be a legal secretary thing huh?). Now I want a scrap quilt and have few scraps and what I do have all looks the same. The big box would have a lovely home with me

  38. Oh lovely box of scraps, please come live with me :) You will have a warm and comfy home with lots of friends to play with! Kim, you're so much fun!

  39. When I was very young 2 or 3 I started playing with all the buttons in my Granma's button box, while she sewed. And so began my obsession with all things sewing related. Most quilts I've made are sampler quilts, planned, color coordinated quilt sampler quilts. I would love to make a real scrappy quilt. My scraps seem to be always be the same types of colors, even though I think I try to step outside of my normal color choices. I would love to give your scraps a home on Long Island, NY. Good luck to everyone! ;-> Toni Anne

  40. My husband will probably shoot me if I opened a box of fabric scraps that came in the mail but I will take my chances! I will give them a great home in my new craft room. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  41. Scraps? That's my middle name! :-) I'd love to introduce your scraps to mine. Thanks for the fun!

  42. Great idea! I was just doing the same thing, but with books, patterns and fabric. We are on the same wave length again.

  43. I would love to win your scraps! I am making my 3 daughters quilts. They love scrappy quilts so the more the merrier. Thank you for a chance to win!

  44. I've been on a two week kick of making very small scrap quilts, so your box of scraps would be very fun to add to the mix of what I've been using!

  45. Well, I am a home for orphans at the holidays (people with no family nearby), orphan animals kicked out by the herds, deer, turkeys, birds, etc.

    So a box of orphan fabric, not used in your projects, the outcasts would fit right in. Hope you pick me.

  46. Welcome, Kansas Troubles, brushed cottons, bright scraps, holiday scraps, all of you. Welcome!

  47. Oh my heavens! I would love, love, love to have your scraps! Scrap quilts are absolutely my favorite, and it's so much fun to go through other people's scraps. I would gladly pay the postage if I am chosen.

  48. I love scraps from others! Keeping my fingers crossed.

  49. I would love to have your scraps play with mine ... they are so lonely!!

  50. Ok, the Kansas Troubles fabric part lured me in! Plus my mom gave me an AccuQuilt Go cutter for Christmas... scraps are the best. :)

  51. I would love to have those scraps come live at my house for awhile. THen they could find their way into a wonderful scrappy quilt. Thanks for the chance.

  52. You had me at "Kansas Troubles." I'd love for your scraps to join mine as I'm sure they'd make lovely quilts together.

  53. I love scraps! I'd be glad to get them! Sue H

  54. I know I shouldn't but I love scraps! Especially other people's!

  55. Kim, you do the BESY give-aways! I am a Kansas Troubles addict, and a Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt stalker! I have two her her scrappy mystery quilt tops done, with one of them basted! I would love to add your scraps with mine and make more wonderful scrappy quilts! You really do rock at what you do!

    Doris R.

  56. Oooooh I would SO love for that box to come live at Ships Landing :D (pretty please?)

  57. I love scraps - you can send them my way anytime.

  58. Sounds like fun. I would love your scraps!!

  59. The box is more than welcome to come live at my house. (grin) Thanks for a great giveaway.

  60. Tibold Józsefné IlonaJanuary 23, 2012 at 8:36 PM

    Szeretném megnyerni a maradék anyagokat.Nálunk Magyarországon sajnos nem lehet kapni szép anyagokat.Köszönöm a lehetőséget.

  61. I would love for your scraps to come and live with me. Like you I wish there were more hours in the day.

  62. You always put a smile on my face yes your scraps are always welcome at my house.

  63. My scraps would love some new friends.

  64. I make nothing but scrappy quilts for donations and would love to have a bigger variety of fabrics in my stash drawer.
    Please let it be me!

  65. Please count me in, too! I love to applique and those scraps would be great! Thanks for the chance to win :)
    Pam P

  66. I'd love to win your scraps. I've been working on lots of scrap quilts for the past couple years and my scraps could use some replenishing.

  67. I hope it's not too late to comment. Who can pass up a give away like this?!!!

  68. I would love for the box to come and find a home with me. I need some more scraps to put into quilts. Thanks for this great opportunity.


  69. The box of scraps can live with me!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!