Tuesday, January 24, 2012

2010 Called and It Wants Its Quilt Blocks

. . . made into quilts!

In cleaning up the Sweat Shop the other day, I was reminded that I have a couple of quilt projects that are close--but not quite--done. I picked up and peered into one tote bag, completely forgetting what was in it, and I found it contained the completed blocks from the 2010 Thimbleberries BOM. The only part I hadn't pieced yet was a set of sawtooth borders and final borders.

The sawtooth borders were okay but I quickly decided they were waaaaaaaaay more work than I wanted to put into it, so I put the completed blocks up on the design wall, added some sashing that wasn't in the original pattern, and finished it up with a couple simple borders.

I'm not sure why the original design called for blue fabric "sky" in the fence blocks but nowhere else--that bugs me a little bit. There were three colorways the quilt could be made in, and the nighttime sky version had the same dark background throughout. I kind of wish I'd picked that one now. But this is okay--I'll do some simple quilting, I think, and it will be a nice spring throw quilt.

Most of all, I'm happy to have finished a project that was languishing in a tote bag. That's one more half-finished project I can put in the "done" (but still to be quilted!) pile. I wish I could say ALL the half-finished projects are done, but I still have a couple more that I need to give a little time and attention to. Another day, another quilt project. Happy quilting!


  1. I think a sawtooth border would have been too busy anyway. I love how you defined each house and tree with the sashing. It's beautiful! Florence

  2. You are lucky!! I think that 1989 may still want a quilt or two back from me...LOL. When a poor undone quilt gets but aside in the sewing room - sometimes its just seems to disappear for a long time. My goal is to get "the poor lost soon to be quilts" completed this year. I agree with you the solid border looks good. Time to wrap this one up. Happy sewing, Barbara from GA

  3. That is the thing about UFO's by the time you get back to them you wish you had done something different! I do love the satisfaction of completing a top!

  4. i remember this one ... i entered every giveaway there was, trying to win the night version (even though it IS Thimbleberries and i usually don't feel The Call) ... way cool! and i LOVE what you've done with the bunnies - SO MUCH better than the originals

    p.s. - i sent off HPV not the virus yesterday (for quilting because just THINKING about my mediocre quilting on three years worth of stitching made me queasy) - i told myself i wouldn't stop embroidering on it till the Broncos were done with the playoffs (and that added three kitties and some trees waaay off in the distance)

    p.s.s. - happy chinese new year ... i am a dragon, hear me roar and see me flame!

    p.s.s.s. - word ver is pregral - a RALly (re: shower) for a PREGo

  5. But oh the ecxitement of reaching into a bag and not knowing what is in there! LOL!! Congrats on getting one more to the point of 'closer to done'!!!

  6. Oh Dear, I recognize that quilt too. I wonder where my blocks are hiding. I chose the night version, I think and all in all, wasn't too excited about the whole thing. I think I have the last two months to finish. My goal this year is to finish some of those UFOs this year.

  7. Very nice! I came so close to signing up for that one, and then realized I had way too much to do with a HS grad, moving, college prep, etc to ever finish on time. I'm so glad I didn't cave in, or it would be in my closet too. ;-) Have a happy day!


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