Thursday, January 19, 2012


Thank you all for your input on the bunny quilt! It was extremely helpful, particularly since just about everyone said they thought red was the best choice--it really reaffirmed for me that my eye wasn't lying. From a purely "wishful thinking" standpoint, I liked the blue, but it just wouldn't have done for the quilt what the red will do.

I also appreciated the other suggestions to try green and even brown. I put green up against the quilt with the border and it just didn't do much for me. I think it may be because green is so similar to blue and neither color is strong enough. And I'll admit I didn't try the brown--I just didn't want more brown in the quilt and there's already a lot in the border. So red it is--or will be at some point.

The other great thing about taking photos of quilts in progress is that you can get a slightly different perspective of the quilt. Judy suggested that the connectors for the egg train cars should be darker and I'd been thinking the same thing myself, so I've changed them for medium light green. I didn't want them to stand out too much but I want them to show up. I haven't gotten the quilt back up on the wall to see how they look, but I like them just fine while the quilt's sitting on the sewing table.

I also knew there were a couple spaces in the quilt that were kind of open but I didn't know what I could do to fill them in. I think I've worked that out now, so I'm doing a bit more applique. I'll show you later, when I've done that part and added the borders.

Okay, now onto the Rabbits Prefer Chocolate pattern giveaway--you've all been very patient with me and Yahoo. Tonight I drew a winner, and I'm pleased to announce the winner is Sunny! Sunny said:

"Please include me in the drawing. My pattern basket does not contain this little beauty. Thanks for the chance!"

Congratulations, Sunny! Please send me your mailing address and I'll get the pattern out to you.

Finally, I wanted to tell you that I might not publish a post tomorrow night. I have the annual legal secretaries' court update seminar/rubbber chicken dinner to attend, and unless something really interesting happens there, I doubt I'll have anything to write about. But you never know. Still, don't look for a post from me; if I come home incredibly bored and tired, I'll probably just take a nice hot bath, fix myself a cup of hot chocolate, and head to bed with a book.

Thanks for visiting me and thanks again for all of your input--one of the things I love about quilters is the way we're always willing to help with an opinion when asked, and I appreciate you taking the time to comment with yours.


  1. I demand a name check....ROFL Well done Sunny you beat me to this one....still think there should be a "bec" on the end of it though :-)

  2. I am a red kinda gal am pleased with your choice. Have fun with the rubber chicken...and...what book are you reading right now?

  3. Congratulations Sunny! :-)

    Have a fun night!


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