Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bunny Trouble

Yahoo is experiencing "technical difficulties" tonight and it won't let me into my mailbox, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to postpone the drawing for the Rabbits Prefer Chocolate pattern until tomorrow night. Please come back then to see whose name I draw--assuming Yahoo has resolved its difficulties and doesn't decide to go dark for the day as some internet companies will in connection with anti-piracy legislation.

In the meantime, I'm finally ready to show you the rabbit quilt as it looks so far with various pieces stuck up on the design wall. The applique in the center is done and I just have about half of one scalloped border and the corner pieces to applique.

I've run into a little trouble, though, that I'd like to get your input on. I need to pick a fabric for the inner border, and if you look at the photo, you'll see I've auditioned blue there at the bottom and red at the top. I think I'm leaning toward the red. Do you agree or would you pick blue? Or another color? What do you think?


  1. I was comparing your quilt to the original pattern and thinking how much more interesting your quilt is than the original. Red or Blue, either or. I alwys love red but the blue looks good also.

  2. As much as I love blue I think the red makes for a warmer looking quilt. Have you thought of an orangei shade of red to make it more Easter.....? It will be a beautiful quilt no matter what the border color is! A fun and happy quilt! Louise in Sweden

  3. My comment just got lost in space. As I was saying, I like the red next to the scalloped border (I liked the blue first but then changed my mind) Also, do you think the connectors between the bunny/egg cars need more definition? Maybe a darker edge?? They seem to fade away in the photo.

  4. Forgot to say how much I love this quilt!!!!! It is a winner!!!

  5. I like the red. Beautiful quilt! Hope to win the pattern.

  6. The blue seems to fade compared to the red. This is the most fun quilt I have ever seen -- wish I could see it in person! I bet the original designer would be thrilled to see how you've enjoyed working with her pattern. Have you heard from her? Florence

  7. I'm in with the crowd for red - what a wonderful piece you've done here!! Thanks for sharing!


  8. I'm usually a blue person, but on your quilt I think the red fits in much better.

  9. The red pops. The blue (my usual choice) looks good; however the red speaks to me on your bunny quilt.

  10. I think red is comfortable is the best color for the drawing and other many different colors for the combinations.

  11. Definitely red ! Love all the fun things that your Bunnies are doing. This is one unique quilt, I think it should go into a quilt show.

  12. The red inner border pulls everything together and looks great!

  13. Yep, I like the red better too! Gorgeous quilt.

  14. Definitely red!
    Conny from Red Deer, Alberta

  15. That came out really cute Kim! I would have to say definitely the red for the borders.

  16. Your quilt is gorgeous and I have to agree with the majority and say red! I love the original and it's on my list to start this year but I've sure enjoyed watching your interpretation of it develop, thanks for the laughs!

  17. Red, definatly red it pulls all the colors together. Your quilt is beautiful, I love the changes you've made. I wish I had your creativity. ;-> Toni Anne

  18. This is such a great quilt! I also prefer the red. I love all the different little's hard to stop looking at it!

  19. Red is my choice. Beautiful flimsy!

  20. One can never go wrong with red! Love the quilt, you are just so creative!

  21. Initially, I had the opposite reaction, but the more I look at the quilt the more I lean to red as well.

  22. My choice--RED RED RED! Beautiful Quit by the way!!

  23. I like the red for the border. Your quilt is so dang cute!

  24. I'm thinkin' red, It really sets off the rest of the quilt.
    This is the cutest quilt I have seen in a long while. You are amazing girl. This would have taken me two lifetimes to complete.

  25. I think thered pops more. The blus just kind of sits there (but then again I love red and blue...not so much)

  26. Of the two, I like the red the best. However, why don't you audition green. I think that would look great!

  27. I prefer the red, and like Jean, was wondering what it would like with green. Great job Kim!

  28. AWESOME!! I would go with the red. The blue is just jumping out at me too much.

  29. In this case - "Red" means go! The quilt is wonderful - darling - oh so cute!!

  30. Love your quilt so much!!!
    The red really pops and adds to the fun!

  31. Oh I just love your quilt! :-) I'd stick with the red too. It makes it all come together better. I'm so keeping my fingers crossed for this pattern~ for me! :-o Have a happy day!


  33. What a fun quilt!!!! I love it!!!!!
    I think I like the red better.

  34. I don't like the blue much. The red is better. But I think you should also audition a pale green and a light brown. Just my half cent :)

  35. Yup the red has my vote!! Gorgeous quilt!

  36. Kim, Just like the majority I do prefer the red & think you've made another wonderful quilt Penny in So CA!

  37. most definitely red. I do love blue so very much, and red about as much, but I my eye prefers the red with the browns in this quilt. love those antics of the bunnies. great job!

  38. I vote red-and this is so cute!

  39. I like the red too. The blue seems to pull the eye to the edge of the quilt too much.

    Was still thinking about the name. I like your very first mention of "Rabbit's Prefer Speed".. especially in light of the Tortoise vs. the Hare.. and you speeded yours up with the big chicken and the stop-watch, etc. It just fits the quilt! :-)

    It's just awesome! I would love to see an applique BOM quilt pattern from you Kim. :-)

  40. I meant an original Applique pattern. (Especially since you already want to devote more time to applique this year!).. hint, hint.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!