Sunday, January 29, 2012

Somebody's Gotta Do It

Oh, my! I spent all day Saturday, from the time I woke up until well into Sunday (note how late I'm writing this post!) mucking out the Sweat Shop. A person can only go so long before a BIG reorganization effort is required, and as you know, that time had come. But I really, REALLY didn't expect it to take as much time as it's taking.

On the bright side--for YOU anyway--I've found a couple more things to give away in the future. And also on the bright side--for you and me, maybe?--I've found several things to list in my Etsy shop. Remember I mentioned that I thought I'd sell some of my Thimbleberries things that were taking up space and that I'd never get around to using/making? Well, they're there now. Click on over to see what I've listed--quite a few fat quarter groupings but also a couple kits and some non-Thimbleberries things too. (Click HERE.) Yes, I know--shameless promotion. But I really need to get some things moved out because my space is limited--and I could probably make a small fortune selling my Thimbleberries fabric and still not notice I'd made much of a dent in my "supplies."

Over the years, I've "collected" swapped blocks and half-finished projects, and I'm oddly excited about finally taking stock and coming up with a PLAN. I've written down what I have along those lines, and I'm going to type them (well, not THEM, exactly, but a name and description) onto paper strips and draw a strip each month. Whatever project I draw is the quilt top I need to finish that month. Many of these projects will only take a few evenings or a weekend at most to finish. I'm thinking about doing the same thing with getting my basket of quilt tops quilted, but I'm not quite to the point where I can organize those yet.

I can see that I'll need to spend a few more hours in the Sweat Shop on Sunday before it's in order, so I'd best get myself to bed for a little sleep. "See" you tomorrow!


  1. You have been busy! I am loving all the organising happening in blogland at the moment. We all seem to want to get organised this year. Viva la Organisation!!!

  2. What a good idea for drawing names for a UFO to finish. I often become bogged down in the choosing and end up with O complete. Thanks.

  3. I always feel better when I'm a little more organized, and know what I really have. I don't have a huge stash, but I organized everything by color a coupleof weeks ago, and it's so much easier to find things now!

    I received my Bunny Hill pattern on Friday. Thanks so much!!

  4. great idea! I try to keep up with organization as I go because I have such a small space! But I now have a 'nook' alll set up just for me and am loving my own space! 'see' you soon!

  5. You're an inspiration, along with the others in blogland who seem to be organizing right now. I plan on gathering up gadgets, patterns, books and sharing with the group of ladies who I quilt with. I need to start some place. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I love to be organized, but then I just mess everything up as soon as I work on anything! I just can't seem to keep my work table neat! It sounds like you are doing a great job! and it is always fun to find a forgotten treasure! Have a happy day!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!